
Pope: Church must go where people are indifferent, hostile to the faith

The pope's remarks came in his message for World Mission Sunday, which will be celebrated Oct. 21. This year's message, titled "Together with young people, let us bring the Gospel to all," was dedicated to young people.

The Holy Spirit changes hearts, pope says on Pentecost

Christians should begin each day invoking the Holy Spirit, praying that the Spirit will lead them and the church closer to God and closer to any person in need, Pope Francis said on Pentecost.

Kansas, Oklahoma ‘keeping kids first’ with conscience rights law

Both states just enacted laws to "allow all capable adoption and foster care providers to serve children in need," the bishops said.

Cardinal Dolan: Separating abortion from Title X funds ‘greatly needed’

The U.S. bishops' pro-life chairman praised the Trump administration's move to ban any family planning clinic that receives federal funds from making abortion referrals or sharing space with abortion providers.

Texas archdiocese, bishops offer healing, support after shooting

UPDATED - "As a society, we must strive for a way to end such acts of senseless gun violence in our schools and communities," Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo said in a May 18 statement.

Archbishop asks for prayers to bring peace to Palestinians, Israel

Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio said in a statement the violence in Gaza that has led to 60 Palestinian deaths and injuries to more than 2,000 since May 14 "is deeply troubling."

California bishops ask for U.S. House vote on bipartisan DACA bill

There are four DACA-related bills in the House, but the California Catholic Conference asked House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy specifically for a vote on a bipartisan bill co-sponsored by two California congressmen.

Outgoing USCCB education secretary to still focus on Catholic education

When Dominican Sister John Mary Fleming looks at the big picture of Catholic education in this country, she does it in typical educator fashion -- recognizing what works and what needs to improve.

Pope to canonize Blesseds Paul VI, Oscar Romero in Rome Oct. 14

The date was announced May 19 during an "ordinary public consistory," a meeting of the pope, cardinals and promoters of sainthood causes that formally ends the sainthood process.

Pope will create 14 new cardinals in June

Under Pope Francis, the idea that some church posts and large archdioceses always are led by a cardinal is fading. Traditional cardinal sees like Baltimore and Philadelphia were not included in the new list of cardinals from 11 countries.