
St. Hubert’s girls mastering technologies old and new

Whether building cutting-edge robots or using the venerable sewing machine in the fashion design program, students at the all-girls Catholic high school are learning hands-on skills in the classroom and out.

California bishops say church must care for those with mental illness

California's Catholic bishops issued a pastoral letter outlining ways the church could do a better job of serving those who struggle with mental illness, stressing that it is an "essential part of the pastoral care of the church."

Sudan rebel leader praises Catholic work in liberated area

Abdelaziz Adam al-Hilu says the accompaniment of the church, under the leadership of retired Bishop Macram Max Gassis, has encouraged the people of the Nuba Mountains during decades of war with the government in Khartoum.

Iowa Catholic parishes gift artwork to mosque as a sign of friendship

Artist Donna Slade had never set foot in a mosque before beginning work on the intricate calligraphy in Arabic that now decorates the arch above the central point in the worship space at the Tri-State Islamic Center.

Pope calls dicastery to promote reflection on role of women

"The dicastery works to deepen the reflection on the relationship between men and women in their respective specificity, reciprocity, complementarity and equal dignity," the new statutes said.

Parishioners mark anniversary by serving the neediest among us

In the spirit of their patron saint, a new Outreach Committee for St. Vincent's de Paul Parish's 50th jubilee enabled 160 parishioners to get to know disadvantaged students, disabled children and needy families.

Catholic Charities USA leader: Accompanying migrants is the Gospel way

Dominican Sister Donna Markham, the head of Catholic Charities USA, is saddened that many Catholics have "become acclimated" to national resentment over migrants.

Walk off: Unforgettable endings make the ultimate thrill

Several baseball and softball games this spring have ended as every kid dreams about: knocking the big hit that decides the game, getting mobbed at home by teammates, making memories forever.

Catholic Communications Campaign aids efforts in U.S., around the world

This year's national collection was to occur May 13, World Communications Day. Not all dioceses hold the collection then. Some combine it with another collection, while others simply send a donation.

Nebraska priest’s spring blessings reap harvest of faith among farmers

For the past five years each spring and fall, Father Andrew Sohm has traveled the highways, two-lane and dirt roads to farms near the parishes he pastors, St. Peter in Newcastle and St. Joseph in Ponca.