
Bishop celebrates retirement with meal for homeless

Philadelphia Auxiliary Bishop Edward Deliman headed for the kitchen June 16 to serve clients of St. John's Hospice, as part of a monthly series that's building community right at the dinner table.

Belgian bishop asks pope not to make him a cardinal

Retired Bishop Lucas Van Looy will not become a cardinal after survivors of clergy sexual abuse criticized his nomination. A bishops' statement cited criticism that he "had not always reacted vigorously enough" to allegations of abuse.

As charter turns 20, trust in bishops is slow to return, cardinal says

Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory, who led the U.S. bishops' 2002 response to the clergy sexual abuse crisis with a charter of norms, reviews the church's progress and the ongoing work ahead.

European court ruling blocks U.K. deportations to Rwanda

Jesuit Refugee Service in London working with Britain's illegal immigrants said a June 14 court ruling blocking their deportation to Rwanda was a "small victory." Some 11,000 immigrants have entered Britain illegally this year.

Pakistani bishop: ‘We don’t have resources’ to deal with inflation

Church leaders in Pakistan are struggling to run Catholic parishes and educational institutions as inflation reaches record levels, at almost 14%. The country also faces a possible default.

Service at St. Patrick’s Cathedral remembers victims of war in Ukraine

New York Ukrainian Catholics and other worshippers found solace June 11 as New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan and Philadelphia Ukrainian Archbishop Borys Gudziak led a liturgy for those killed in the war.

Vatican suggests revamped, year-long marriage prep

A new document by the Dicastery for Laity, the Family and Life aims to help young people understand the sacrament, prepare engaged couples and support newlyweds in the first years of their married life.

Pope adds new step for creating diocesan religious orders

Bishops now must obtain written permission from the Vatican to start an "association of the faithful" as a first step toward forming a local religious order.

‘Temporary’ DACA marks 10 years; recipients voice frustration at inaction

Since 2012 the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program has protected people brought into the country illegally as minors from deportation. Now numbering 760,000, they still seek a legal path to citizenship.

Gun violence highlights trauma, impaired brain development among teens, says psychologist

Dr. James Black of Catholic Social Services says at-risk youth are "growing up in a war zone" that leaves them on edge and hopeless -- and understanding their pain is key to stopping the bullets.