
Canada: Groups fight policy that bases job grants on abortion support

The policy requires all applicants to the Canada Summer Jobs program to sign a statement attesting support for "safe and legal" abortion and gender identity theory.

‘Amoris Laetitia’ calls for new pastoral approach, cardinal says

Difficulties in embracing "Amoris Laetitia," Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation on the family, probably are tied to difficulties in accepting its new attitude and approach to providing pastoral care, said Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

Dialogue, not denial: Pope finds strength in valuing differences

The purpose of dialogue is not to achieve a homogenized unity, but to move toward a community and a world where differences are not threatening, but enriching and therefore cannot be manipulated by those who want to sow fear, hatred and violence.

Relevant Radio launches live, interactive family rosary program

Starting Jan. 15, the new program aims to bring together people across the United States to pray the rosary at the same time. "This has never happened before," said the head of the Catholic radio network.

Ending DACA will lead to ‘humanitarian crisis,’ says Archbishop Gomez

"As a nation, we have a moral and humanitarian obligation to the 'Dreamers.' These young people have done nothing wrong. And their futures hang in the balance of these debates," the archbishop of Los Angeles wrote.

10th Annual Man Up Philly Conference

This year, we celebrate the 10th Annual Man Up Spirituality Conference in the Archdiocese. The conference provides an opportunity for men to come together in true Christian brotherhood and to hear inspirational talks from fellow men on the journey of faith.

Malvern Retreat House Art Show

Malvern Retreat House is hosting their 7th annual Art Show Wednesday, February 7th thru Sunday, February 11th.

Three Priests Walk Into a Bar

Young adults, religious and non religious are encouraged to attend the poplar event in Havertown where young adults ask priests questions about the faith and even the church.

Camden Diocese 2018 Winter Retreat Jan 26th-28th

The Camden Diocese of New Jersey is having a 2018 Winter Retreat - January 26th to the 28th that is being hosted by the Camden Diocese Charismatic Conference Committee.

New app designed to help users discover vocations

The app includes daily prayers and meditations on the Gospel and the lives of the saints, as well as a news section and Twitter feed to connect users to the life of the church.