
Catholic foundation helps fund ministries near and far

The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia has been building a community of donors in the Philadelphia Archdiocese, benefitting parishes like St. Patrick in Norristown and aiding the church in Ukraine.

How a saint changed the tax code, and philanthropy forever

If you take a charitable deduction in your tax returns, you can thank the "Philadelphia nun provision" of the tax code, named for St. Katharine Drexel, whose astonishing philanthropy supported Black people and Native Americans.

Foster care program seeks parents ready for ‘genuine love’

Catholic Social Services is looking for caring people who "want to save a life" by opening their hearts and homes to kids in need.

Patriarch pledges solidarity with Ukrainians during Warsaw visit

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, head of all Orthodox churches, praised Poles for showing "generosity, charity and hospitality" to Ukrainians forced to flee their country since the start of the Russian invasion.

Canadian Indigenous give pope moccasins, ask him to walk with them

Delegates are explaining to Pope Francis how their communities live and struggle today, and how the Catholic Church has contributed to those struggles at residential schools where the Indigenous languages and culture were banned.

Polish archbishop updates pope on aid to Ukraine refugees

The president of the Polish bishops' conference told Pope Francis March 28 that the Catholic Church in Poland is continuing to assist at least 2.2 million refugees from neighboring Ukraine fleeing Russia's destructive war in the country.

U.S. joins pope in worldwide prayer for Ukraine and Russia

Bishops in the U.S. took part in Pope Francis' invitation to join him in the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary March 25, entrusting the people of both countries to the care and protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Pope consecrates Ukraine, Russia to Mary

"To you we consecrate the future of the whole human family," Pope Francis prayed at a Lenten penance service March 25 with 3,500 people in St. Peter's Basilica and 2,000 more on screens in the square.

Archbishops lead Catholics in consecrating humanity to Mary

The prayers for peace especially in Ukraine and Russia were called for by Pope Francis worldwide March 25, and Archbishop Nelson Perez and Metropolitan Archbishop Borys Gudziak led the solemn consecration followed by Mass in the cathedral.

Ethiopian cardinal welcomes truce in Tigray region

The humanitarian truce accepted by the Tigrayan military will allow aid to millions of people threatened by starvation from the 16-month conflict in Ethiopia that has killed thousands and displaced millions from their homes.