
For Hispanic Catholics, synod listening sessions are a ‘natural’ fit

Pastoral leaders say many Spanish-speaking Catholics "love to share their faith" and already have a long tradition of engaging in the kind of dialogue called for by the Synod on Synodality.

Montco parish raises $3,600 for Ukraine hospital

Parishioners at Queen of Peace in Ardsley are helping fellow faithful at St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Jenkintown to aid Ukrainians coping with the Russian invasion.

Catholic high schools open doors for all 7th graders March 24

The Universal Visitation Day at all archdiocesan high schools invites not only seventh graders from Catholic grade schools but all public, charter, cyber and private schools throughout the Philadelphia region as well.

Where to give to help Ukraine

Numerous Catholic agencies -- including the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia -- are collecting donations to aid with the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, as people flee to escape the Russian invasion.

Students’ race discussion transforms Catholic school’s culture

Some of the Black students at a predominantly white high school in New Jersey keenly felt the racial tensions rising in the U.S. in 2016. Their meeting with all the faculty started a change in tone and practice at the school that continues today.

Study unpacks experience of Black Catholics in America

Among the findings of a Pew Research Center study: only one-fourth of U.S. Black Catholics worship in majority-Black parishes. Black Catholics also want to hear more racial affirmation and social justice concerns in preaching.

Archbishop Gudziak to Russian Orthodox Church: Stop Putin’s war

The leader of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the U.S. said that he hoped leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church would "hear the Gospel," which says, "Do not kill." He sharply criticized how that church "stands with President Putin. It stands for this war."

Don’t forget Syria’s 11 years of conflict, cardinal says

The apostolic nuncio said hope is gone and Syria has fallen into obscurity as the war there claimed 610,000 people, injured more than 2.1 million and caused an estimated 13 million to flee or become displaced within the country.

Idaho passes bill to ban abortion after six weeks of pregnancy

Both chambers of the state legislature passed the bill, similar to Texas' abortion ban that allows family members to sue the medical provider who performed the abortion for up to $20,000. The bill goes to Idaho's governor for his signature.

Top USCCB committee says Russia’s ‘unprovoked war on Ukraine’ must end now

The Administrative Committee, which operates as a kind of board of directors for the U.S. Catholic bishops, issued a strong statement March 16, calling on Americans "to contribute generously and sacrificially" to the war relief effort.