
Journalists claim freedom of press at ‘VatiLeaks’ trial

All five people accused of involvement in leaking and publishing confidential documents about Vatican finances were present at the opening of the criminal trial in a Vatican courtroom Nov. 24.

Refugees in Lebanon, facing new reality, get help at Catholic-run clinic

A school principal, a physics teacher and a businessman who simultaneously ran five enterprises were among the 50,000 Iraqi Catholics driven out by ISIS last year to Lebanon, where they now get aid as refugees from a facility of the Good Shepherd Sisters.

Our Lady of Guadalupe shouldn’t be viewed as just a Mexican tradition

The feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe has been a religious and cultural hallmark for Mexican Catholics for centuries, but the custom received little attention from Anglo Catholics in the U.S. before the last few decades.

Pope names Vatican official head of U.S. Anglican ordinariate

After consultation with the governing council of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, Pope Francis named Msgr. Steven J. Lopes to be the first bishop of the ordinariate, which serves former Anglicans living in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.

Day’s granddaughter urges Catholics to speak out against war, injustice

Dorothy Day's granddaughter Martha Hennessy looks a little like her grandmother with her pulled-back white hair, and although she is soft spoken, she likely sounds just like her activist grandmother, too, when talking about helping the poor and promoting peace.

Some Hondurans seek church help to fight government changes to land

Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez has launched a new program, "The Time of the South Has Come," and declared the region -- once considered little more than a rocky, drought-prone outpost -- a new "development pole for Central America."

Pope John Paul II H.S. raises $5,000 for 107 Thanksgiving meals

Students of the Catholic high school in Royersford began Tuesday, Nov. 24 with Mass before delivering full dinners with all the trimmings to 10 Catholic parishes and agencies for families mostly in Montgomery County.

Live Nativity with Scripture and music coming to Neumann U

Neumann University will host its annual "Greccio Live Nativity Celebration" on Sunday, Dec. 6 featuring the sounds of sacred Christmas music, performed by the Holy Family Regional School Children’s Choir.

Opening Mass set to begin Year of Mercy

Archbishop Chaput will open the Jubilee Holy Door and celebrate the solemn opening Mass for the holy year on Sunday, Dec. 13 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia.

Teens make a strong showing at annual pro-life event

Among the crowd of 1,200 veteran pro-lifers were 300 high school students at the 33rd annual Stand Up for Life dinner Nov. 22. It honored individuals making a public witness for life and featured speaker Damon Owens.