
Proclaim the Gospel, not the institution, pope says

A vibrant Catholic community cannot be built on "the relics of the bygone 'good old days,'" but must be modeled on Gospel-based evangelization, Pope Francis told a group of German bishops.

Church works to promote peace in Mexico’s violent Guerrero state

Father Adolfo Silva Pita celebrates a monthly memorial Mass for the deceased in a lower-middle-class neighborhood on the outskirts of this tourist town, once famous for sun, fun and celebrities, but notorious now for drugs, crime and killings.

Priests must not forget their roots, pope says

Priests are not "mushrooms" that magically sprout at ordination, but they have a history, a community and a family that they must keep in mind, Pope Francis said. "Be pastors, not officials," he told a clergy conference in Rome.

Pope meets Ukrainian president, share commitment for peace

Although the conflict between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists continues, Pope Francis and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko still share hope that a political solution still can be found, the Vatican said.

Pink Sisters to close 100th anniversary with special Mass

The Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters (the Pink Sisters) are celebrating their centenary at the Convent of Divine Love this year in Philadelphia's Spring Garden neighborhood. The anniversary Mass will be celebrated Saturday, Nov. 28.

Aston Catholic school students collect food for families

St. Francis de Sales School collected an abundance of food during the school’s annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. The items will be delivered to St. Katherine Drexel Food Cupboard in Chester to prepare Thanksgiving food baskets.

Cardinal Dolan of New York leads novena at Miraculous Medal Shrine

The cardinal, a classmate of the shrine's Vincentian priest director, celebrated Mass during the annual Solemn Novena to the Blessed Mother at the shrine in Germantown. Mary, the cardinal said, "will never, ever let you down.”

God is mercy: Holy Year affirms belief Christians, Muslims, Jews share

In calling for the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis hoped it would "eliminate every form of closed-mindedness and disrespect, and drive out every form of violence and discrimination." Dialogue can explore how mercy is a major theme in the world's monotheistic religions.

Archbishop’s statement on education tax credits

A Pennsylvania department's refusal to authorize contributions toward tax credits may jeopardize tuition assistance for thousands of students. In a statement, Archbishop Charles Chaput urges people to act and ask the governor to support the tax credit authorizations.

Global head of Ukrainian Catholic Church thanks U.S. faithful in Philadelphia

In a visit to the Ukrainian Cathedral in Philadelphia Nov. 15, Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk celebrated Mass, blessed new mosaics and a bell tower, and thanked Catholics for their vital support of Eastern churches.