
Synod members disagree on report’s opening to Communion for remarried

Australian Cardinal George Pell said the final report of the Synod of Bishops on the family did not create an opening for the divorced and civilly remarried to receive Communion. Other synod members took a different view and acknowledged that the paragraph in question was being read differently.

Synod report urges ‘accompaniment’ tailored to family situations

The 94-paragraph report approved Oct. 24 highlighted the role of pastors in helping couples understand church teaching, grow in faith and take responsibility for sharing the Gospel. It also emphasized how "pastoral accompaniment" involves discerning, on a case-by-case basis, the moral culpability of people not fully living up to the Catholic ideal.

Synod report has new emphasis, not changed doctrine, U.S. bishops say

Bishop George V. Murry of Youngstown, Ohio, and Bishop Kurt Burnette of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic, New Jersey, met with journalists Oct. 24 at the Pontifical North American College.

Pope Francis preaches at Mass for close of Synod of Bishops

Read the pope's homily to conclude the synod in Rome, in which he warns of a “spirituality of illusion” in which people "can walk through the deserts of humanity without seeing what is really there," and in so doing "create other deserts."

Jesus’ disciples are called to lead without lecturing, pope says

Reflecting on the day's Gospel reading, which recalled Jesus' healing of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar from Jericho, Pope Francis said Christ is not content with giving the poor man alms, but preferred to "personally encounter him."

Author to speak on forgiveness by the Amish

St. Maria Goretti Parish will host author Marie Monville, the widow of the man who in 2006 shot 10 girls in an Amish one-room schoolhouse. On Nov. 2 she will explain the Amish community’s response of love after the tragedy.

Catholic Boy Scouts hike ‘God’s Country’ on 2-week retreat

Two young men from Feasterville and North Wales backpacked, climbed, camped and prayed daily in the New Mexico wilderness last summer during a unique scouting retreat.

Synod had difficult moments as it tried to proclaim truth, pope says

At the end of the synod's final working session Oct. 24, Pope Francis was honest about the differences of opinion present among synod participants and about the tone of their discussions sometimes exceeding the bounds of charity. But he framed all those differences as an opportunity for learning.

Synod calls for greater promotion of women’s role in church

If the Catholic Church did more to recognize and promote women's responsibility within the church, it could help their status in societies as well, said the Synod of Bishops on the family.

Synod report highlights pastoral care of society’s marginalized

While they did not grab headlines, the elderly and people with disabilities, openness to life and the plight of migrants and refugees were also on the agenda of the Synod of Bishops on the family.