
Healing Mass celebrated in Wayne

St. Katharine of Siena Church will host a healing Mass Thursday, Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m.

Craft fair in Doylestown benefits Catholic school

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School will host its 37th annual Holiday Craft Fair on Satursday and Sunday, Nov. 7-8.

Family life isn’t all bad, synod members say

The first week of the Synod of Bishops on the family ended with near unanimous calls to be more positive in describing family life today. There were also widespread questions among participants about the work they are expected to produce.

Archbishop Chaput joins in synod observation

At the Synod of Bishops on the Family currently underway in Rome, bishops have come together in small groups to study the working document that presents the issues under discussion. Archbishop Charles Chaput issues the following report critiquing the document's first section.

Syrian archbishops support Russian military intervention in civil war

Melkite Catholic Archbishop Jean-Clement Jeanbart of Aleppo said that the bombing of rebel positions by Russian jets was "a source of hope" for Syria.

Pope, synod join in prayers for peace in Middle East

Gathered with a worldwide representation of bishops, including patriarchs and other bishops from the Middle East, Pope Francis dedicated the morning prayer of the Synod of Bishops on the family to pleas for peace in the Middle East.

Nuncio asks Arkansas governor to commute death sentences for eight men

The nuncio released the letter Oct. 7 in light of the execution dates set by the governor. Pope Francis and Little Rock Bishop Anthony B. Taylor have recently spoken about the Catholic Church's teaching against capital punishment.

Sentencing reforms working their way through Congress, but slowly

In the past 20 years under harsh federal sentencing guidelines meant to combat the war on drugs, gripes about the military-industrial complex gave way to concerns about a prison-industrial complex.

Pope’s remarks seen as a road map of urgent actions for U.N. to take

Speakers at an Oct. 7 side event hosted by the Holy See's permanent observer to the U.N. said the organization's top priorities must be nuclear disarmament and the protection of civilians in conflict areas.

Philippines latest Asian nation to stand in for Australia on refugees

Asia's most Catholic country, the Philippines, is poised to burnish its reputation as the most refugee-friendly nation in Asia as it prepares to ink a deal with Australia to take in as many as 1,000 refugees from the controversial Manus Island detention center in Papua New Guinea.