
Pope brings Gospel of ‘encounter’ to Madison Square Garden

Seeing New York for the first time in his 78 years of life, Pope Francis said he knew Madison Square Garden was an important gathering place for sporting events and concerts. For him, it was transformed into a chapel in the heart of the Big Apple.

All have wounds, only Jesus and church can heal, says cardinal

"The wounds that affect our families today are many, immense and deep," but Jesus can heal, said Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle at the World Meeting of Families Sept. 24.

Philadelphia Orchestra prepares for ‘glimpse-of-heaven’ moment

Two members of the orchestra, which will perform at the papal events this weekend in Philadelphia, talk about their faith and its link to the music they love.

Scenes from Pope Francis’ visit to New York

The pope's two-day visit to the Big Apple preceded his stop in Philadelphia, which was the final leg of his first Apostolic visit to the United States.

In a first, Vatican flag flies over U.N. along with other nations’ flags

The Vatican is a permanent observer at the U.N. A resolution to fly the flags of permanent observers was introduced by Palestine, the only other permanent observer, and passed Sept 10.

Canadian archbishop: Biggest challenge to families is commitment

In an interview during the World Meeting of Families, he invited church leaders to look at families with a "realistic" perspective.

Speakers say couples facing infertility need prayer, understanding

Family, friends and community members, including pastors, must do all they can to help childless couples through their suffering, the cardinal said at a session of the World Meeting of Families.

Pope at 9/11 Memorial: Violence is never impersonal, always brings tears

NEW YORK (CNS) -- Honoring both the pain and the strength of the families of those who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11 and drawing on the pools of water that are part of the site's memorial, Pope Francis spoke about tears and quenching the world's longing for peace.

Pope Francis addresses United Nations in NYC

Read the texts of the pope's speeches to U.N. staff and to delegates in the U.N. General Assembly today in New York, in English and Spanish.

U.S. Jesuits speak of Pope Francis’ ‘servant leadership’

Jesuit Father Hernan Paredes recalled a roommate from the early 1980s, who "was ready to do our laundry, ready to cook for us ... ready to embrace us, cry with us." The roommate in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the early 1980s was also his superior and went on to become Pope Francis.