
Catholic Afghan refugees in ‘purgatory’ awaiting visas

On top of the "enormous challenges" with immigration to the U.S. overall and the rapid pullout of forces from Afghanistan, its minority-Catholic refugees are stuck in limbo.

Chicago cardinal booed, heckled at pro-life rally

Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago told a rally of his hopes for banning abortion and for supporting all mothers. He was jeered when he linked promoting life to ending the pandemic.

Pro-lifers decry push for abortion in Michigan constitution

Catholic and pro-life leaders expressed disappointment over a petition drive to amend the state's constitution and override a 1931 ban on abortion.

Events around U.S. mark court’s decision legalizing abortion

The surge in COVID-19 cases is hardly affecting plans for local rallies ahead of the Jan. 21 March for Life in Washington on the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Pope, cardinal pray for victims of Bronx fire that killed 17

Pope Francis and New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan offered condolences to families of those killed, including eight children, in a Jan. 9 apartment building blaze.

Sister Alice Patrice McGinnis dies at 92

The sister of St. Joseph grew up in St. Michael Parish in Philadelphia, and attended its grade school and evening high school. She entered religious life in 1949 and served in four dioceses.

Sister Marie Lorraine Bruno, French scholar and teachers, dies

The I.H.M. sister, who died Dec. 29 at age 90, taught secondary and college students for most of her 69 years in religious life. She was a faculty member and leader at Immaculata University.

Parish holy hours offer prayers for vocations

St. Timothy Parish in Philadelphia and St. Ignatius Parish in Yardley hosted prayers before the Blessed Sacrament to pray for vocations Jan. 5, feast of St. John Neumann.

Digital archives show local Catholic life from generations past

Some two decades of The Catholic Standard and Times have been added to the online Catholic News Archives, revealing local "Catholic history on the ground" for area faithful.

Reversal in India: Missionaries of Charity can get foreign funds

The Indian government has cleared the way for the globally renowned charity to utilize foreign funds, some two weeks after blocking money needed for ministry to the poor.