
Exhibit hall displays religious artifacts found in rubble after 9/11

In the midst of Pope Francis' busy Big Apple tour, during which he'll mostly be surrounded by throngs of people, he may make a quiet stop in a small exhibit hall during his visit to the ground zero memorial Sept. 25.

People come first, human life is sacred, pope insists at U.N.

Dealing with war, development, the economy or environmental concerns, bureaucrats and diplomats always must remember that the lives of real children, women and men are at stake, Pope Francis told the United Nations.

Fewer children born, fewer marriages, point to global changes afoot

Speakers at a World Meeting of Families session Sept. 23 looked at the facts, consequences and solutions to the world's demographic shift.

Pope Francis preaches at New York cathedral

Read the text of the pope's address during Vespers Thursday evening at St. Patrick's Cathedral, and New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan's words of welcome.

In New York, pope encourages men and women religious

During an evening prayer service at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York, Pope Francis thanked the nation's priests, brothers and women religious, telling them, "Where would the church be without you?"

Family needs defense by ‘heroes’ in dark world, cardinal tells delegates

In a keynote speech at the World Meeting of Families, Guinean Cardinal Robert Sarah explored the scriptural tension of good and evil in the family.

Parking policy forces unexpected closure of vendor exhibits

For a World Meeting of Families congress that has gone smoothly so far, a glitch arose Thursday, Sept. 24 as hundreds of exhibitors packed up their wares, at a loss.

Pope challenged and inspired congressional leaders

As Pope Francis spoke to a joint meeting of Congress Sept. 24, the members of the House and Senate focused on the pontiff's heavily accented English speech.

Understanding marriage can lead to healthier society, speakers assert

Legal scholars told delegates at the World Meeting of Families of the pitfalls of today's marriage debate that fails to define marriage itself.

Pope’s visit thrills poor clients of D.C. Catholic Charities

Pope Francis' visited about 500 guests at a church-run program in downtown Washington Sept. 24. He blessed a meal, met briefly with attendees, then left for New York.