
Little Sisters of the Poor get unscheduled visit from Pope Francis

Sister Constance Veit, communications director for the Little Sisters, said the pope talked individually with each sister, ranging in age from novices to 102-year-old Sister Marie Mathilde, who is Colombian and spoke to the pope in Spanish.

‘No justification whatsoever’ for lack of housing, pope says

"I want to be very clear," Pope Francis told the crowd, many of whom have low incomes, are immigrants, and receive medical care or clinical and mental health services from Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Washington.

Kids who will greet pope at Harlem Catholic school have questions ready

One wants to ask Pope Francis what it's like to live with one lung. Another wants to know what kind of cellphone he has and since he's so humble, he probably has a flip phone, he suspects.

New York Archdiocese, mayor join to house homeless in unused space

To honor the imminent arrival of Pope Francis in New York, the city's mayor and Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan announced Sept. 23 that the Archdiocese of New York would provide housing and social services for up to 150 homeless individuals this winter, using vacant or underutilized buildings owned by the archdiocese.

Do more than talk about religious vocations, speakers say

If more people are going to enter religious life, it will take more than words to attract their attention, according to women religious speaking at a Sept. 23 talk at the World Meeting of Families.

Spend time, ‘waste time,’ do more as family, couple advises

During their talk at the World Meeting of Families, Greg and Lisa Popcak told how American families can spend more than the national average of 15 minutes each day together, especially on Sunday.

Read the full text of Pope Francis’ address to Congress

See the full text of the pope’s speech, delivered in English, during his visit to a joint session of Congress Sept. 24.

Pope to Congress: Stop bickering, world needs your help

The past, the promise and the potential of the United States must not be smothered by bickering and even hatred at a time when the U.S. people and indeed the world need a helping hand, Pope Francis told the U.S. Congress.

Read Pope Francis’ speeches in Washington

The addresses during the pope's visit to the capital, including his address to the Congress, are made available in English and Spanish.

Canadian speaker tells of personal experience with divorce, annulment

As the director of the Catholic Organization for Life and Family, Michele Boulva is well-known in the Canadian Catholic Church. Yet at the World Meeting of Families Sept. 23, she mentioned something she had never told publicly before.