
On plane from Rome, pope defends teaching on social issues

Responding to a headline, "Is the pope Catholic?" Pope Francis told reporters, "I follow the church and in this, I do not think I am wrong. Maybe I have given an impression of being a little bit to the left. But if they want me to recite the Creed, I can!"

Pope Francis arrives in U.S. to begin three-city visit

The plane bearing Pope Francis touched down in Maryland Tuesday afternoon, greeted by President Barack Obama and his family. The pontiff begins his first apostolic visit to the United States with events planned this week in Washington, D.C., followed by stops in New York City and ending in Philadelphia this weekend.

Pope tells Cubans that families are opportunities, not problems

Families are "an opportunity that we must protect and care for," he said at a meeting with Cuban families at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption. "Without family, without the warmth of home, life becomes empty."

Letter to White House becomes papal ticket for Minnesota Catholics

It started with a simple letter that Ryan Currens sent to President Barack Obama earlier this summer. The parish administrator at Church of Assumption in Richfield encouraged the chief executive to read Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment, "Laudato Si'," which was published in June.

The famous popemobile: Pontiffs have hit the streets in style

There's perhaps no other signature vehicle in the world more well-known than the popemobile. Tall and boxy or sleek and chic, it's the one white ride that always catches people's eye, mostly because of the special passenger waving inside.

Visit to Cuban shrine gives pope quiet time for prayer

In one of the calmer, more intimate moments of his visit to Cuba, Pope Francis and the country's bishops offered special prayers to the Cuba's patroness, Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre.

Strikers invoke Pope Francis as they seek higher wages and a union

The strikers, who have no union but want the opportunity to form one, planned to strike only one day, Sept. 22, the day Pope Francis was arriving in the United States from Cuba.

Pope calls for ‘revolution of tenderness’ in Cuba

Pope Francis called Cuban to a "revolution of tenderness" as he celebrated Mass in the Minor Basilica of the Shrine of Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre, the country's patroness.

Chefs working at a ‘different level’ cooking for Pope Francis, homeless

Cooking for 1,900 people, no problem. Cooking for the pope? Now that requires extra care. Chefs Michael McDonald and Irshaad Ellis-Bey say they are up to the challenge.

Film Festival highlights Catholic Philadelphia

From dramas old and new, to musicals and perennial favorites, the World Meeting of Families presents more than a dozen movies to inspire film buffs in the city this week.