
St. Laurence School ranks at top of math tourney

Students and teachers from 26 Catholic grade schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia ranked high in First in Math competition.

Advocates urge continued funding of adult stem-cell research, treatment

"These programs are examples of how the Congress can inspire innovation to bring cures to patients across America," said one witness, Dr. Jeffrey W. Chell, CEO of the National Marrow Donor Program.

Philippine bishops to decide whether to establish climate change desk

The federation wants each bishops' conference in 22 countries to set up such a desk to support action plans to mitigate the impact of climate change and also study Pope Francis' "Laudato Si'" encyclical.

Iowans urged to use first vote to press on environmental problems

Catholic Iowans were encouraged to talk about care for the environment with presidential candidates before the Iowa caucus, the first step in the national election process.

Prominent Jesuit, murdered in ’80, hailed for aiding Bolivian democracy

Jesuit Father Luis Espinal was returning from a movie in March 1980 when he was intercepted, tortured and killed. His remains were found in a landfill. Paramilitaries were blamed for his death. Outrage ensued, with an estimated 70,000 Bolivians attending his burial in La Paz.

Key to peace, justice is kinship, Jesuit priest tells fellow clergy

"If kinship were our goal, we wouldn't be seeking justice, we'd be celebrating it!" Father Greg Boyle said June 29 in St. Louis at the assembly of the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests.

Families need prayers, mercy, courage, including from synod, pope says

Even if a pastoral proposal for helping a Catholic family with problems seems scandalous at first, it is possible God could use that proposal to bring healing and holiness, Pope Francis said.

Independence Day Mass closes U.S. bishops’ annual Fortnight for Freedom

Religious freedom is "the human right that guarantees all other rights," Miami Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski said July 4 in his homily at the closing Mass of the U.S. bishops' fourth annual Fortnight for Freedom.

From Argentina, an exodus to see Pope Francis in Paraguay, Bolivia

"There's a special affection for (Jorge Mario) Bergoglio, now Pope Francis," said Father Lorenzo de Vedia, better known as Padre Toto, pastor in Villa 21-24. "The day he was elected people ran out into the streets as if they had won the World Cup, with the photos they have of him confirming their child, etc."

Oklahoma archbishop says ruling on Ten Commandments statue ‘concerning’

By ordering the removal of a Ten Commandments monument from the state Capitol grounds, the Oklahoma Supreme Court is ignoring the historical significance of the moral code "in the formation of our state," said Archbishop Paul S. Coakley.