
Disability care community celebrates ‘what love looks like’

Persons with intellectual disabilities and their caretakers reflect Christ's kindness and self-sacrifice, said Archbishop Nelson Pérez during an Oct. 25 Mass for the archdiocesan Communities of Don Guanella and Divine Providence.

‘History is going to hold us to account,’ says marcher at climate protest

During the U.N.'s COP26 conference, thousands of Catholics took to the streets of the United Kingdom, among 100,000 demonstrators supporting action to halt climate change and reverse ecological degradation.

65 Catholic grade schools honored for excellence

The archdiocesan Office of Catholic Education recognized Catholic parish and regional schools as this year’s Archdiocesan Schools of Distinguished Instruction in two categories: growth and exceeding potential.

Catholic school student places third in city-wide art contest

Elodie Breslin, a student of Our Mother of Consolation School in Philadelphia’s Chestnut Hill section, placed third in a contest to redesign the “I Voted” stickers that voters in the city receive at the polls on Election Day.

At 140th anniversary, Trenton Diocese begins synodal journey

Bishop David M. O'Connell of Trenton invited Catholics to join Pope Francis in "walking the same road together" to help discern the church's role in the world. The diocese began the local phase of a global process of listening.

St. Joseph Sister Patricia Ann Cullen, 92, passes

The former Sister Joseph Raphael ministered since 1946 in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the dioceses of Allentown and Harrisburg.

Sister Joseph Andre Intrieri dies at 81

The native of Philadelphia's Chestnut Hill neighborhood and graduate of Our Mother of Consolation School, she joined the Sister of St. Joseph in Chestnut Hill in 1960, and served in three dioceses.

Sister Dorothy Mayer, I.H.M., passes at age 81

The former Sister Mary Annunciata pronounced first vows in 1961 and went on to serve at nine Catholic elementary and high schools before going to Camilla Hall.

Sister Mary Cyril, longtime teacher, dies at 100

The Shenandoah, Pa. native entered the I.H.M. sisters in 1939 and, after beginning teaching in 1942, spent more than 50 years in Catholic schools across the Philadelphia region and serving at Camilla Hall, where she died.

Palestinian leader meets pope, Vatican secretary of state

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had a 50-minute private meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican Nov. 4. Conversations with Vatican officials stressed the need to increase dialogue in the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians.