
Poll: Most voters would support limiting abortion after 15 weeks

A nationwide poll of 1,200 likely voters found that a majority oppose abortion on demand throughout pregnancy and support limits on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Pope denies German cardinal’s request to resign over abuse failures

Agreeing with Cardinal Reinhard Marx that Catholic leaders cannot adopt an "ostrich policy" in the face of the clerical sexual abuse crisis, Pope Francis said every bishop must begin reform with a "humble confession: we have sinned."

Caritas tells G7 leaders debt relief is key to global COVID-19 recovery

The world cannot recover from the health and economic crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and tackle climate change without debt relief for the world's poorest countries, said the secretary-general of Caritas Internationalis.

Pro-life rally draws hundreds amid ‘staggering’ abortion statistics

A post-abortive father and a woman conceived through rape were among some 500 participants at a June 5 demonstration in West Chester, as abortions average 73.3 million per year globally.

Seattle archbishop invites Catholics to embrace Christ’s mission

Archbishop Paul Etienne launched the next phase of the Seattle Archdiocese's pastoral planning by inviting Catholics in local parishes to consider prayerfully "how do we bring Christ to others and lead others to Christ?" he said.

Catholic group urges Biden to raise COVID-19 vaccine access at G7 summit

A national Catholic group of some 50 religious and nonprofit organizations wants President Biden and the leaders of other developed countries to "support a robust global response to the COVID-19 pandemic" because "no one is safe unless all of us are safe."

Church must learn to listen to families, pope says

To reach out to families, the Catholic Church must listen to their concerns rather than doling out theoretical solutions to life's harsh realities, Pope Francis said. He added the church must reject "the idea that evangelization is reserved for a pastoral elite."

European Union bishops express caution about hate crimes legislation

While condemning hate crimes in Europe, Catholic leaders worried that new EU proposals could criminalize "the mere expression of an idea, at actions carried out by the church in exercising its magisterium and teaching activities."

Watchdog says Vatican must improve handling financial crime

Moneyval, the European financial security committee, said that while the Vatican has made progress in combatting financial crimes, its investigations into potential crimes committed by senior officials needs more fine-tuning.

Canadian church pledges support for Muslims after attack on family

A statement by the Archdiocese of Toronto lamented that Canadians have been "targeted for their faith" in the June 6 attack labeled by police as a hate crime in which four Muslim family members were run down while taking a walk.