World News

Military burns houses, destroying villages in northwest Myanmar

Catholic and Buddhist villages were razed May 20, the latest in a series of raids by the military junta that seized power last year and against whom resistance is growing.

Pope highlights need for community, evangelization, care for creation

Speaking to various groups May 21, Pope Francis emphasized among all that "in the church we are not 'me alone,' or just me and God; no, we are all of us, in community," and a bond exists "among ourselves and with creation."

Pope calls for united efforts in care for creation

Laudato Si' Week, May 22-29, is an opportunity "to listen ever more attentively to the cry of the earth, which urges us to act together in taking care of our common home," Pope Francis said.

Pope to set date for canonizations at consistory

Pope Francis will advance the causes of 10 people for sainthood, the Vatican announced. He cleared the way for the canonization of the founder of the Scalabrinian missionaries, dispensing the requirement of a miracle attributed to his intercession.

In Nigeria, nuns work to decrease deaths of mothers, children

It doesn't take expensive technology to prevent women from dying in childbirth and children from dying young, as a Catholic diocese and the Medical Missionaries of Mary learned. It does take skill and wide outreach.

World in ‘profound anthropological crisis,’ pope says

The Catholic Church must "lift up those who are wounded" in a world that is disrupting humanity's desire for peace, Pope Francis told members of an institute for psychology, whose members address "the challenges of life."

Senior prelate thinks church is growing secretly in North Korea

A South Korean archbishop, 97, believes the Catholic Church in communist North Korea -- where he studied to be a priest before the communist takeover -- is growing, although Catholics live in hiding and endure persecution.

Chaos, curfew after arrests in mob murder of student accused of blasphemy

Catholic churches in a major Nigerian city suspended Masses May 15, as authorities sought to quell violent protests sparked by stoning death of a young woman and the detention of two suspects.

Caritas has assisted more than 1.2 million people in Ukraine, leaders say

The official relief agency of the universal Catholic Church has been providing shelter, meals, medication and psychological assistance to the millions impacted by Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

Christian leaders condemn ‘violent intrusion’ at journalist’s funeral

Israeli riot police clashed May 13 with mourners of Palestinian-American journalist Shereen Abu Akleh, a Melkite Catholic whose shooting death has prompted international calls for an investigation.