World News

Millennials get pope’s call to ‘Make some noise!’

Young Catholics know the mess of family breakdown, terrorist attacks and mass shootings, and painful scandals in their own church. So when a pope who understands that mess asks them to show up, they do.

Austrian bishops meet in Sarajevo to mark 100th anniversary of WWI end

World War I ended in 1918, and the meeting was part of the bishops' decision to designate 2018 as a "Year of Remembrance." During the meeting, they met with Bosnian bishops.

Salvadoran newspaper describes miracle for Blessed Romero cause

A Salvadoran newspaper March 8 published an account of a 35-year-old woman who said her husband's prayer asking for the intercession of Blessed Romero saved her life.

Even when people reject God, his love is never lacking, pope says

"Sin is the way that we distance ourselves from him. Yet that does not mean that God distances himself from us," he said at a Lenten penance service.

Irish bishops call abortion referendum proposal ‘shocking’

The government announced March 8 plans to hold a referendum on the constitutional article, which guarantees the equal right to life of the child with due regard to the life of the mother. The poll is expected to be held in May.

Confessors should seek to bring penitents closer to Jesus, pope says

The pope spoke to hundreds of confessors and other participants attending an annual course on the sacrament of reconciliation, sponsored by the Apostolic Penitentiary, a Vatican court that handles issues related to the absolution of sin.

Pope to visit Baltic states in September, Vatican announces

Vatican spokesman Greg Burke said the pope will visit five cities during the Sept. 22-25 trip, including Vilnius and Kaunas in Lithuania; Riga and Aglona in Latvia; and Tallinn, Estonia.

Scandinavian bishops stress need for support

The strained relationship between church and state in Scandinavia was a leading issue at the forefront of the recent Nordic Bishops' Conference general assembly in Turku, Finland.

When the devil strikes, exorcists are ready for battle

A trained, experienced exorcist can accurately discern whether a problem is linked to demonic action and when it is the more likely case of a person just experiencing life's inevitable difficulties or mental or emotional problems.

In coastal Kenya, nuns fight profitable trade of trafficking children

Though Thailand is the most well-known sex tourism hub, Kenya's coast is rapidly becoming a popular destination for people looking for underage prostitutes.