World News

Rigid thinking isn’t divine, pope tells staff of Jesuit magazine

Discernment is needed to understand life's ambiguities, not rigid thinking that tends to silence the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis said.

Celebrating marriage: Newlyweds look to pope for blessings, strength

Each week dozens of newlyweds, dressed again in their wedding gowns and tuxedoes, come to the Vatican to receive a special papal blessing as they begin their lives together.

Vatican summit participants vow efforts to stop organ trafficking

The summit brought together government ministers, judges, law enforcement personnel, medical professionals, human rights activists and journalists representing more than 50 nations.

Educators form lives that are ready to face the future, pope says

Catholic schools and universities play a key role in evangelization and in creating a more humane world built on dialogue and hope, Pope Francis said.

Experts: To limit clergy abuse, look at model of business accountability

Unlike past hearings, which focused on specific cases, these hearings were to focus on church theology and doctrine, structure and governance, including the role of the Vatican and canon law, and issues like celibacy, confession and more.

No nation is free of organ trafficking, say speakers at Vatican summit

Some patients needing an organ "think it's no big deal to sell a kidney," especially if they aren't aware of the deception involved or poverty driving the recruiting of donors.

At audience, pope leads prayers for migrants, trafficking victims

Marking the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, a former slave, Pope Francis urged Christians to help victims of human trafficking and migrants, especially the Rohingya people being chased from Myanmar.

Experts tell Australian abuse panel church must look at clerical culture

Several experts also told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that the church needed the commission's help to get on the right track.

Vatican’s U.N. nuncio urges action on poverty that moves beyond economics

Archbishop Bernardito Auza said that the world must also end conflicts and violence, which are major contributors to poverty.

Migrants staying put in Mexico, abandoning efforts to reach U.S.

An increasing number of migrants are thinking about Mexico as a more appealing option because of U.S. restrictions on refugee resettlement. For the migrants, it's more about finding somewhere safe.