World News

What to do? The pope’s practical tips for helping the environment

He points to numerous ways world organizations, nations and communities must move forward and the way individuals -- believers and people of good will -- should see, think, feel and act.

Defining moment: Glossary of terminology used in Laudato Si’

In his brief pontificate, Pope Francis has coined some colorful terms to get his points across, for example, using "bat Christians" to describe those who hide their faith.

Read encyclical on care for creation with ‘open heart,’ pope asks world

"This common 'home' is being ruined and that harms everyone, especially the poorest," he said June 17, the day before the Vatican was releasing his encyclical letter, "Laudato Si', on Care for Our Common Home."

Christian hope does not let sting of death poison your life, pope says

"Our loved ones have not disappeared into dark nothingness: Hope assures us that that they are in God's good and strong hands. Love is stronger than death," he said at his general audience June 17.

Concern for poor is sign of the Gospel, not communism

If Christians don't dig deep and generously open their wallets, they do not have "genuine faith," Pope Francis said today at daily Mass.

Pope OKs synod members elected by Canada’s bishops, superiors general

The pope approved the Canadian bishops' election of: Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher of Gatineau, conference president; Bishop Noel Simard of Valleyfield; Cardinal Thomas C. Collins of Toronto; and Archbishop Richard W. Smith of Edmonton.

Indian police arrest suspect in death threat against cardinal

Jaya Roy, superintendent of police in Ranchi, in the eastern state of Jharkhand, identified the suspect as Devesh Kumar.

Share God’s mercy with the unwanted, pope tells priests

"I ask you to be shepherds with God's tenderness, to leave the 'whip' hanging in the sacristy and be shepherds with tenderness, even with those who create more trouble for you," Pope Francis told 1,000 priests.

Pope urges Scouts to be active, not just ‘decorative,’ in parish life

More than 80,000 children and adult members of the Italian Catholic Guiding and Scouting Association gathered under the hot sun in St. Peter's Square June 13 for a short but festive rally with Pope Francis.

Pope says Christians must guard their hearts from noise of this world

Christians must know that God's grace is available and their hearts must be free of "worldly noise," so as to be ready at all times to receive it, he said June 15.