
Does marriage ruin relationships?

Many couples fear that long-term, sacramental commitment stifles love, write Amber and David Lapp. However, matrimony can actually deepen affection and desire, and can increase and enrich a couple's love.

In marriage, the love of Christ is made visible

Pope Francis writes that marriage is an encounter with Jesus who strengthens, heals and walks with the couple in their life together. The Christian couple becomes an icon of the "sacrament of love" in the world.

Marriage in the church

Marriage can be a source of great joy and comfort, but it also entails difficulty and sacrifice, just as does Christian life generally. When lived in the Christian spirit of love, these sufferings can be transformed into signs of unity.

In cleansing a leper, Jesus reveals his power to heal souls

The faith of a diseased, outcast man reminds us of our own brokenness, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. When we humbly seek Jesus, we experience true and lasting restoration.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Anointing of the sick is sacrament for the living

The sacrament of anointing continues the healing work of Jesus through the church. Though sometimes misunderstood as only for life's end, it is a sacrament of healing and comfort for the living in need.

Anointing of the sick: Christ and the church share in our suffering

One can hardly turn a page of the Gospels without observing Jesus healing all those who needed it. The anointing of the sick reminds us that Jesus understands our suffering and that the church shares our pain.

A misunderstood sacrament: Anointing of the sick

Believing that it is just for "last rites," some people sadly wait too long to request anointing. It is a sacrament of healing and spiritual support, writes Father Ken Doyle.

Coming soon to you: The sacrament of amazing grace

The very existence today of this sacrament shows that the sick remain a central concern of the church community. When sickness prevents someone from coming to church, her ministers come to them.

Lent is time to become aware of false prophets, cold hearts, pope says

Together with "the often bitter medicine of the truth," the church -- as mother and teacher -- offers people "the soothing remedy of prayer, almsgiving and fasting," the pope said in his message for Lent, which begins Feb. 14 for Latin-rite Catholics.