
A gentile woman’s persistent faith shows that salvation is for all

Msgr. Joseph Prior reflects on this Sunday's Gospel, showing how it continues to emphasize our call to faith, an invitation that extends to all peoples.

Readings of the holy Mass – Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Peace that begins in silence can conquer chaos of our lives

Msgr. Joseph Prior reviews the readings for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time that show Jesus leading the disciples from peace through chaos and back to peace, all by faith.

Encountering God even in the people we’d like to avoid

A video showed the distraught singer Sinéad O’Connor teetering on the edge of suicide, but Gina Christian saw a chance to pray for her and all those with mental illness, however difficult they may be.

Pope says he’s saddened by ‘perfect’ Catholics who despise others

God did not choose perfect people to form his church, but rather sinners who have experienced his love and forgiveness, Pope Francis said.

Married Catholic priests? Did I miss something?

A lifelong Catholic is surprised to learn about married Catholic clergy, so Father Ken Doyle explains. He also advises a woman seeking an annulment that if it is granted, her children are not considered illegitimate.

Vacation time should be prayer time, pope says

Summertime can and should be a time for extra prayer, a moment of peace that allows Christians to savor the joy of their relationship with Jesus and find new strength to reach out with love to others, Pope Francis said.

Standing up to ‘weisure’

Our hyperconnected culture blurs the boundary between work and leisure. But God calls us to honor the Sabbath for rest and to be mindful of his presence in our daily existence with its share of joy and toil.

God’s command at the Transfiguration is meant for us: Listen to Jesus

In his commentary on the readings for this Sunday's Mass, Msgr. Joseph Prior looks at the ways God speaks to us through his Word. If we're listening, we can find our way through the world because of Jesus, our morning star.

Readings of the holy Mass – Transfiguration of the Lord

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.