Debate, vote on eucharistic document will top U.S. bishops’ agenda

The impetus for the document and a planned eucharistic revival is to increase Catholics' understanding of the Eucharist. A 2019 Pew study showed just 30% of Catholics have "a proper understanding of Christ's presence in the Eucharist."

Eucharistic renewal is already an ongoing movement

Hosffman Ospino points to abundant evidence of interest in the Eucharist, and the Holy Spirit may be telling us something about it in our days. The entire Catholic community must listen.

Louisiana eucharistic boat procession celebrates faith, family, tradition

The 40-mile procession by boat and on foot along the Bayou Teche in the Lafayette Diocese is now in its seventh year, and offers prayers to Mary. This year's procession marks the 256th anniversary of the arrival of the Catholic Acadians to Louisiana.

Appointment signals preparation for National Eucharistic Revival

Father Jorge Torres, a priest of Orlando, Florida, will help implement a planned multiyear series of activities centered on the Eucharist. It will begin next summer and be capped possibly by a National Eucharistic Congress in 2024.

Group sets goal of eucharistic adoration in 1,000 parishes on Election Day

"Unite Our Nation," an apostolate founded in Milwaukee by Catholic laity, is looking to "bring peace and prayer to local communities," and healing to a deeply divided U.S.

Mobile eucharistic procession brings Christ to the people

Kim Griffin tells how a parishioner and priest of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Doylestown visited more than 500 homes in Bucks County last Sunday. And a little girl's cry summed up the day: "Jesus is here!"

‘Shocking’ ignorance on Real Presence prompts eucharistic congress

Bishop Michael C. Barber of the Diocese of Oakland has convened the June 19-20 gathering after a Pew Research report found only one third of America's Catholics believe in a core teaching of the faith.

Cathedral 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion

Join the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral for Mass and Eucharistic adoration during the Cathedral Parish's 40 Hours Devotion.

Walking by a Catholic church, where a eucharistic miracle resides

Elise Italiano Ureneck compares the wonder of a miracle in Italy with the results of a Pew study showing Catholics' misunderstanding of the Eucharist. Our culture's focus on image over reality is one cause.

A sure-fire cure for burnout: the eucharistic Presence

Church workers are not immune from the stress that can lead to emotional and physical burnout, but the gift of the Lord's presence in holy Communion or adoration can revive the weary, writes Gina Christian.