Local News

Before school starts, seniors take important health exam

Residents at Nativity B.V.M. Place, an archdiocesan apartment complex for older adults in Port Richmond, completed their Medicare health risk assessment at an Aug. 12 wellness fair, a review few seniors get.

Pen pals young and old glimpse world through ‘different eyes’

A letter-writing exchange between seniors and students at St. Helena's Out of School Time program opens minds to new horizons -- including such concepts as the Fortnite video game and life without electricity.

Biking, praying, sharing: Seminarians roll into St. Agnes, Sellersville

The Biking for Vocations group of men from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary stopped in Bucks County parishes over the weekend where cycling seminarians and a priest talked up vocations with parishioners.

Thanks to free tools, blind faithful lead others to Word of God

The Xavier Society for the Blind provides Scriptural texts, Catholic teaching and inspirational material via Braille and other means, all free of charge, to blind people -- including two in the archdiocese using their gifts in parish life.

Appeals court says Pa. county seal can keep its cross

A federal appeals court ruled unanimously Aug. 8 that Lehigh County's seal can retain its yellow cross, arguing "the broader context" must be considered in ruling on religious components in government displays.

Seniors can eat their veggies (and fruit), thanks to produce vouchers

Catholic Housing and Community Services, which provides an array of resources for the region's older adults, is distributing coupons of up to $20 for Pennsylvania-grown fresh foods. The federally funded initiative offsets both food insecurity and social isolation.

Two weeks at the border opened her eyes to humanity

Mary Bell of St. Raymond of Penafort Parish shares her recent experiences while helping migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. Scared, tired and hungry, they seek "the same things you and I want in life," she said.

Seminarian cyclists visit parishes as Biking for Vocations hits the road

Eight young riders pedaled from St. Charles Seminary to St. Maximilian Kolbe and St. Joseph parishes in Chester County Aug. 8 in the first of their four-day, 150-mile tour to promote vocations at nine parishes.

Inspired by her faith, attorney serves as guide on path to citizenship

Since 2015, Catherine Baggiano of Catholic Social Services' immigration agency has helped some 350 individuals become U.S. citizens -- a mission driven by her deeply held Catholic beliefs.

Philadelphia saint’s remains mark first year in new shrine

The "translation" of the remains of Philadelphia's beloved St. Katharine Drexel marked its first anniversary in a new shrine at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, reflecting an age-old Catholic tradition.