Local News

Rally on Friday will protest recent abortion-clinic videos

After two viral videos showed a state lawmaker berating peaceful protesters at a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood clinic, the “Pro-Life Rally Against Bullying” will take place May 10 at the clinic in response.

‘Wizard of Oz’ shows its actors are ‘more than their disabilities’

Students from Archbishop Ryan Academy for the Deaf and St. Lucy Day School for Children with Visual Impairments joined forces to stage an innovative production of the classic tale at Holy Innocents Parish.

Archdiocesan staff ‘walk the talk’ on ending hunger

Several employees from Nutritional Development Services joined in the 23rd annual Walk Against Hunger which typically raises $200,000 for anti-hunger organizations in the Philadelphia region.

Couples recall how their marriages endured through the years

Couples married 50 years, 25 years and other anniversaries gathered at the Cathedral last Saturday with Archbishop Chaput, renewing their marriage vows and reviewing the secrets of their success.

Congratulations to our Philadelphia priest jubilarians

Priests of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are celebrating significant anniversaries of their ordination this year. See our list of 28 priests.

Therapist tells young adults how to conquer anxiety

At a session hosted by the Catholic Young Adults of Chester County, Christine Wittman offered Catholic-based strategies for overcoming anxiety, which affects almost a third of adults.

To avoid burnout, priests advised to abide in the Lord

Mindful of the stresses in priestly life, Bishop Andrew Cozzens of Minnesota urged archdiocesan priests at a convocation last week in Hershey to "surrender to God's grace," offering four practical steps.

Gladwyne parish making big investment in Catholic students

A select group of eight Philadelphia students ready to attend an archdiocesan high school probably never heard of St. John Vianney Parish, but its $3,000-a-year scholarships are making an impact on city families.

Love never fails: How a wife coped and her husband forgave

Patti-Ann McDonald was 24, married eight months and pregnant when notified her husband had been shot. He lived as a quadriplegic for 30 years and learned to forgive his attacker, as she told a local parish group recently.

Sri Lankan bombings tear into South Philly parish

For four years seminarian Sheron Fernando served at St. Monica Parish away from his Sri Lanka home, forging a bond of family with parishioners now worried for him.