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Lent 2019 parish events

Deepen your Lenten experience by participating in one of many events taking place each week of Lent in parishes of the Philadelphia Archdiocese -- add your parish's event to our list.

Feeding needy neighbors, near and far, through CRS Rice Bowl

The annual Lenten program of sacrifice and solidarity with the poor has launched for the 44th year. A portion of funds raised stays local and serves dozens of food pantries like the one at St. Vincent Parish, Germantown.

Archdiocese offers hope and help for addiction recovery

Two leaders of archdiocesan ministries have launched new websites that provide practical and spiritual guidance for those struggling with substance abuse. Healing is possible by the grace of God, and through several local initiatives.

Doctor tells Roman students harrowing tale they won’t forget

When Uruguayan pediatric surgeon Dr. Roberto Canessa was a young man not much older than the high school students he spoke to last week, he was stranded in the Andes facing life's hardest choice for survival.

Catholic Relief Services moves into new home in archdiocese

The staff of the Northeast-Mid-Atlantic office welcomed 65 guests to their new headquarters in a renovated convent at Nativity B.V.M. Parish in Media, as the parish pastor blessed the space Feb. 8.

Sex abuse victims in archdiocese get $4 million in reparations

Of the $8.425 million authorized for payment, more than $4.5 million has been paid through Feb. 12, according to a new report by the independent program compensating victims of abuse by clergy in the Philadelphia Archdiocese.

Court decision clears way for reuse of St. Laurentius Church

A state court opinion may have paved the way for the sale of the crumbling Catholic church in the Fishtown section of Philadelphia, and its possible restoration and conversion into apartments.

Prepping for major Masses, cathedral choirs nurture the faithful

Charlene Angelini, the archdiocesan director of liturgical music, says the Cathedral's adult and children's choirs are ready for their busy season, starting with a March 3 feast day Mass for St. Katharine Drexel.

City schools close early ahead of Wednesday’s expected snow

Archdiocesan officials made the call to close all Catholic high schools and parochial schools in Philadelphia as two to four inches of snow and ice were expected on Feb. 20. Suburban schools will follow local districts.

Parish volunteers can ease new ‘SNAP gap’ food aid woes

Recipients of federal food aid now must stretch their monthly benefits over 40 days rather than 30, thanks to the government shutdown. Often families must choose between food and medical care. But church agencies are helping.