Local News

Spirituality of humble priest, one step from sainthood, apt for today

Father Solanus Casey, a 20th-century priest who aided the poor in Detroit's soup kitchens, served as best he could without complaining. He will be named "blessed" next week, and a Mass in Philadelphia will celebrate his holy example.

Hundreds celebrate their faith on St. Martin de Porres’ day

The joyful and reverent Mass Friday night at St. Athanasius Church drew young people along with Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver. It was held on the feast of the patron saint of African-American Catholics.

Clergy assignment changes announced

Archbishop Chaput announced appointments Nov. 7 for one priest and three permanent deacons.

Nine Philadelphia priests to be named monsignors

The honors by Pope Francis will be conferred on the archdiocesan priests, each of whom have ministered for more than 40 years in parishes and schools, at a service Dec. 3 in the cathedral.

Week’s events help all Catholics to encourage vocations

There is something for everyone, from young children through adults, in the Philadelphia Archdiocese to mark National Vocation Awareness Week, Nov. 5-11. It's part of an effort to build a culture of promoting vocations in the church.

Metanoia draws 6,000 Catholic students for ‘conversion’ retreat

Freshman and sophomores from archdiocesan Catholic high school and academies filled an arena at Temple University Oct. 30 for a spiritual retreat featuring talks, fun activities and eucharistic prayer.

All Catholics asked to offer special prayers on World Day of the Poor

Pope Francis announced the new global day of awareness last week. Catholic clergy and lay faithful in the Philadelphia Archdiocese are invited to remember the day in prayer -- see our prayer resources.

Christine Flowers ‘lives the dogma,’ wows young adult crowd

The Catholic columnist and lawyer spoke Friday night at a Theology on Tap event using humor to show the importance of living the Catholic faith in public, and the cop out of a selective tolerance.

For Catholics on Halloween, focus on the festivity

The uniquely American holiday is big business -- $9 billion will be spent on it this year. If neighborhood parishes stay open and welcome the fun, the church can “recapture Halloween as a religious event,” said a prominent priest.

Parish program teaches homeowners how a house works

Whether elderly or immigrants, many homeowners in Darby, Delaware County lack the expertise to make home repairs or know when to call a contractor. Blessed Virgin Mary Parish's free sessions give the knowledge residents need.