National News
HHS rescinds rule protecting faith-based foster care agencies
The Trump administration rule could "allow discrimination" against "LGBTQ+ persons in taxpayer-funded programs" for foster care and adoption, said the head of HHS in rescinding the rule.
Eucharistic revival will be ‘occasion of grace,’ host archbishop says
Indianapolis will be ready to welcome 80,000 participants for the National Eucharistic Congress in 2024, said Archbishop Charles Thompson, who predicted the event will have a "profound effect on the renewal and enrichment" of Catholics.
Wisconsin parishes pray for victims after SUV rams parade crowd
Five people died and dozens more were injured -- including a Catholic priest, church parishioners and Catholic school students -- when an SUV plowed through spectators watching a Christmas parade Nov. 21 in Waukesha.
U.S. bishops wrap meeting with spotlight on Eucharist, young people
In their first in-person meeting in two years, the bishops approved a major statement on the meaning of the Eucharist and launched plans for eucharistic initiatives in the U.S. Read a round up of key items from the three-day assembly.
Get creative as synodal process begins, bishop tells meeting
The seven-month synodal process underway in the church is meant to show that "no one is unimportant in this time of listening," said Bishop Daniel Flores of Texas. The listening must include people "who do not show up in our pews."
CRS stresses unity in its efforts to serve people around the world
During the U.S. bishops' meeting, the prelates heard how Catholic Relief Services is responding to the impact of climate change, earthquakes, hunger and meager farm production, plus education for children around the world.
Archbishop Perez tells U.S. bishops of journey with young Catholics
Philadelphia Archbishop Nelson Pérez invited fellow bishops to a national gathering in Chicago in June to participate with young Catholics in a dialogue about issues of culture, racism and inclusion through the prism of faith.
Bishops approve plans for three-year National Eucharistic Revival
The revival will start on the feast of Corpus Christi June 16, 2022, with a diocesan focus that will include eucharistic processions and other prayer events around the country, culminating in the National Eucharistic Congress 2024 in Indianapolis.
Pandemic hasn’t stopped church from aiding moms in need
The "Walking with Moms in Need" initiative, which connects a pregnant or parenting mother with life-affirming assistance at any local Catholic parish, may be little known because it was launched just as the COVID pandemic hit.
Communion statement aims to ‘retrieve and revive’ understanding
The U.S. bishops' document titled "The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church," approved Nov. 17 does not call out Catholic political leaders, but does point out the seriousness of the sacrament.