
Pope offers Neocatechumenal Way lessons for respectful evangelization

Some 100,000 members from more than 130 countries gathered in a field on the edge of Rome May 5 to welcome Pope Francis and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the movement.

New York bill would help parents who experience early miscarriage

The proposed legislation would require hospitals to advise parents of their right to a fetal death report and burial permit for infants lost before the twentieth week of pregnancy.

Speaker Paul Ryan gives House chaplain his job back

Jesuit Father Patrick Conroy, chaplain for the U.S. House of Representatives who said he had been forced to resign, was reinstated to his post May 3. The speaker, a Catholic, wanted to avoid "a protracted fight over such an important post."

Tax policy fights eating away at church exemptions

For generations, religious organizations in the United States have been largely exempt from paying taxes. But whether through lawsuits or regulations, those tax protections are beginning to fall.

Listening is key to bishops’ committee against racism, says new chair

Bishop Shelton Fabre, an African-American bishop in Louisiana, will continue Catholic listening sessions. The "national conversation on race" was set up by his predecessor Bishop George Murry, who is battling leukemia.

Poverty, patience, prayer key to strong religious life, pope says

"One cannot discern what is happening without talking with the Lord," Pope Francis told 700 consecrated men and women. It is impossible for them to understand the world without a "spirit of poverty," which is non-negotiable.

Congo: Rich country, poor people — and poorer priests

A Catholic bishop from the Republic of Congo lamented that persistent corruption and poverty have left many priests hungry and sick while the country's wealth remains dominated by a "handful of the rich and powerful."

Pope asks Germans to find unanimity on Communion question

Six German bishops who had dissented from proposed national guidelines allowing a Protestant married to a Catholic to receive the Eucharist. They met with Vatican officials to discuss the implications of adopting the norms.

Fake news on the agenda at annual Foley Symposium

The May 24 forum at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, which is open to the public, celebrates World Communications Day. The Cardinal Foley Media Award will go to the late Tim Russert, host of NBC's "Meet the Press."

Support Catholic Charities by enjoying a Phillies game

Catholic Charities Night at Citizens Bank Park is June 25 as the Phillies host the New York Yankees. If 500 tickets are sold, local Catholics will throw out the first pitch and perform the National Anthem.