
Iowa legislature sends fetal heartbeat bill to governor

A bill described by some observers as the most restrictive abortion legislation in the nation has been sent to the desk of Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds.

Pass on faith through deeds, not words, pope says

Christians must pass on the faith by giving witness through their example and not by persuading others to choose sides, Pope Francis said.

Date set for final approval of canonization of Blesseds Paul VI, Romero

Pope Francis already cleared the way for their canonizations earlier this year with the publication of decrees recognizing a miracle attributed to the intercession of each one of the blesseds.

Marriage and Communion: Norms address needs of interchurch couples

Six German bishops are meeting with Vatican officials to discuss a proposal to allow greater access to the Eucharist for Protestants married to Catholics.

Hondurans plead for extension of Temporary Protected Status

The Trump administration was set to decide in early May whether Honduran holders of a special immigration status will be able to remain legally in the country.

Nun believed killed by nephew; police continue to search for body

Sister Angela Miller is believed to have been murdered by her nephew on or before he set fire April 28 to the nun's home in West Scranton, Pennsylvania, authorities said.

Rockford Diocese prepares for V Encuentro by thinking about the future

About 200 people from parishes and groups in the Rockford Diocese expressed their views about the strengths, weaknesses and desires of the Hispanic community in the local church.

St. Laurence School welcomes pre-K, kindergarten kids and parents

The Catholic school in Upper Darby will host an open house for families of pre-K- and kindergarten-age children on Friday, May 4 from 9 to 11 a.m. Parents can meet teachers while children make new friends.

Lay Catholics plan more protests in Congo

Catholics in Congo are planning more large-scale, peaceful demonstrations across the country to protest President Joseph Kabila's refusal to leave power.

Survivors hope pope will act against ‘epidemic’ of abuse in the church

Three Chilean abuse survivors who met with Pope Francis said his apology to them must be accompanied by concrete actions, not only against those who commit sexual abuse, but against those who cover it up.