
Encuentro process inspires some to go to society’s peripheries

At the April 27-29 regional Encuentro in Visalia, California, several of the 1,300 delegates discussed "primerear" (to reach out first) and how that leads to encounters, in this case homeless people.

United as one voice, California encuentro delegates prepare for ministry

Hope, energy and the drive to unite to share the Catholic faith filled the Visalia Convention Center, as nearly 1,300 delegates -- including laypeople, priests and 21 bishops -- gathered for a regional encuentro.

Primary Election 2018

Members of Pennsylvania's two major political parties will head to the polls on Tuesday, May 15 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. to choose the candidates for their party in the general election this November -- see our package of voter resources.

Political Activities Guidelines for Catholic Institutions in Pa.

Political activity can create anxiety for pastors and others employed by Catholic institutions. This document by the Pa. Catholic Conference can help leaders engage in legitimate political activities while avoiding the pitfalls.

Pennsylvania’s candidates for governor, lieutenant governor

See the responses to questions of interest to Catholics by candidates for Pennsylvania governor and lieutenant governor in the primary election May 15.

Pennsylvania’s candidates for U.S. Senate

See the responses to questions of interest to Catholics by Pennsylvania candidates for the U.S. Senate in the primary election May 15.

World’s best high jumper has low-profile meeting with pope

Despite holding the world record in the high jump, Javier Sotomayor kept his feet on the ground and didn't try to clear the waist-high wooden barricade between him and Pope Francis.

Priest: Few at Mexico-U.S. border will have asylum claims accepted

Scalabrinian Father Pat Murphy, who directs a migrant shelter in Tijuana, said "Those that are in the caravan, 75 percent of them won't be accepted. That's been the number over the years."

Trinidad and Tobago Catholic group expands as refugee numbers rise

The United States is offering fewer than its usual number of resettlement places, so hundreds of undocumented migrants may find themselves stuck in the southern Caribbean country.

Paralympian visits St. Louis area parish school to inspire students

It's fun for Noah Elliott to present a message of optimism and perseverance – "seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty" -- while inspiring others to pursue their passion.