
Knights of Malta elect interim leader as new grand master

The Knights elected Fra' Giacomo Dalla Torre as their new grand master from among 12 eligible knights to oversee the order for one year. The order's former grand master resigned amid a conflict with Pope Francis.

Pope: Faith says ‘no’ to Satan, ‘yes’ to God

Continuing his series of talks on the sacrament of baptism, the pope looked at the importance of the heart being ready to receive the gift of new life from God through the baptismal water and the Holy Spirit.

Quo Vadis Days Camp set for June 25-28

The four-day camp helping young men to explore a vocation to religious life will feature fun activities, dynamic discussions and time for prayer in rural Quarryville, Pa. -- watch a video.

May procession set for Cathedral on Sunday afternoon, May 6

All are invited to the 2 p.m. celebration, which will include a procession, rosary and crowning of a statue of the Blessed Mother. Children may wear their confirmation or first holy Communion attire.

Canadian House passes motion calling on Pope Francis to issue apology

In a rare show of unanimity, the House of Commons overwhelmingly supported a motion to call on Pope Francis to apologize on Canadian soil for abuses that occurred at church-run residential schools.

Faith groups decry immigration detention of pregnant women

Representatives of the organizations focused their concerns on a "lack of adequate prenatal and health care, reports of medical negligence, and unsafe, stressful conditions for mother and baby," saying that the detention policy was not pro-life.

Music stirred his heart, led him to cusp of priesthood

Always active in music, Deacon Kyle Adamczyk's spirituality deepened the more he led choirs and experienced the Catholic liturgy in high school and college. He will be ordained a priest for Philadelphia May 19.

Sister Alice Hanley dies, served 70 years as Sister of St. Joseph

Before her death April 12 at 88, the Wilmington native ministered in the Archdioceses of Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore, and the dioceses of Allentown, Camden and Wilmington.

Oregon summer camp communicates God’s love through nature, friendships

Upward Bound, a Christian-based camp near Salem, Ore., for people with physical and cognitive disabilities, provides disabled people the chance to know Jesus through creation and friendships.

Sister Rose Imelda Patterson, S.S.J., dies at age 88

The former Elizabeth Lou Patterson, a native of Washington, D.C., served in that archdiocese and Philadelphia during her nearly 70-year ministry with the Sisters of St. Joseph.