
Through a youth group and a magazine, man hears God’s call

Manuel Flores wasn't especially religious, but he joined a teen PREP program while attending vo-tech school. Against all odds and with help from friends old and new, he will be ordained a priest next month.

Defund Planned Parenthood Rally

All pro-lifers are encouraged to come out and peacefully assemble outside of the largest Planned Parenthood in the state of Pennsylvania where nearly 4500 babies were killed.

Within days, two priests found dead in Mexico

With the latest attacks, five priests have now been killed since the start of the year. The Mexican bishops' conference has issued a call for action on the violence consuming the country and impacting the church.

Love Jesus, love your country, pope tells Cuban youth

"Be good patriots, love your nation, love your country! Be generous and open your hearts to the Lord," the pope said in an April 21 video message to young men and women attending a meeting for youth ministry leaders in Havana.

Overcome fear, form good friendships, pope encourages seminarians

The current "culture of the temporary" makes it more difficult than ever for young people to make lifelong commitments to God, Pope Francis told a group of British seminarians.

Philadelphia priests celebrate ordination anniversaries

See our list of 29 jubilarian priests of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia celebrating significant anniversaries this year.

Ordaining new priests, pope asks them to be merciful

Marking the World Day of Prayer for Vocations April 22, the pope ordained 11 men for the Diocese of Rome, four for the Family of Disciples and one for the Sons of Divine Providence.

Pope calls for end to ‘needless bloodshed’ in Nicaragua

Pope Francis called for an end to violence in Nicaragua after several days of protests against proposed social security legislation led to the deaths of more than two dozen people.

Fewer refugees accepted into U.S. impacts Catholic resettlement programs

Nearly 20 U.S. Catholic refugee resettlement programs have closed in the past two years and dozens of others have scaled back their efforts because there are fewer refugees being admitted into the country.

Some Catholic schools focus on prayer, dialogue during April walkout

Across the country, at least 2,000 walkout events were scheduled, slated to begin at 10 a.m. in each local time zone with 13 seconds of silence to honor the 13 people -- 12 students and one teacher -- killed at Columbine High School.