
Security expert says wall would be costly symbol of exclusion, bigotry

A scholar at a Washington think tank says the Trump administration doesn't understand the financial, social, environmental and other implications of building a bigger border wall with Mexico.

Hero’s homecoming: Vatican prepares to transfer exiled cardinal’s remains

In his last will and testament, a cardinal exiled to Rome, who survived the Nazis' Dachau prison camp and 17 years of communist persecution, requested to be allowed back home to Czechoslovakia for burial.

Ritual, consistency lead to better participation at Mass, study suggests

A recent study by two Detroit-area Catholic sociologists suggests participation rates during parts of the Mass may increase when Massgoers are more familiar with the songs or rituals.

At final Mass in Chile, pope says cry of migrants is prayer to God

Christians must be aware of the injustices and exploitation suffered by migrants and those seeking a better life for themselves and their families, Pope Francis said.

Head of March for Life calls abortion ‘social justice cause of our time’

Charlie Camosy, associate professor in the theology department at Jesuit-run Fordham University, spoke to Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, in advance of this year's annual march in Washington Jan. 19.

Northeast Catholic High School celebrates 50th reunion

Falcons from far and wide will flock together in June 2018 for an evening of dinner, dancing and reminiscing.

True believers want peace for Jerusalem, pope tells imam

UPDATED - Christians, Muslims and Jews who are sincere about their faith must be committed to protecting the special character of Jerusalem and to praying and working for peace in the Holy Land, Pope Francis wrote in a letter to the grand imam of Egypt's al-Azhar University.

Lenten contemplative morning invites mercy into the stillness

The three-hour session will offer participants the chance to contemplate God's mercy, and the mysteries of Christ's cross, more deeply.

Becoming Radiant: The Lenten Journey of Dying Before We Die

How does ego block the Light? What radiance is waiting to burst forth from each of us to illuminate our corner of the universe?

Ash Wednesday Retreat: A Heart Contrite and Broken

Join us as we enter Lent's sacred journey on this Valentine's Day. We will tender our hearts in God's tears of love and ask to discover our belonging to all those crushed in spirit.