
Complex world needs clear essentials of Gospel, pope tells theologians

In an increasingly complex world of unprecedented scientific and technological challenges, theologians must communicate what is essential about life and help Christians proclaim God's merciful, saving grace, Pope Francis said.

After 57 years, justice arrives in Texas town in murder case

After listening to evidence, a Texas jury delivered a guilty verdict on Dec. 7 in the case of a man convicted of murdering in 1960 a young woman while he was a priest and she went to him seeking the sacrament of reconciliation during Holy Week.

Vatican agency says at least 23 church workers killed in 2017

The majority of Catholic Church workers violently killed in 2017 were victims of attempted robberies, the Vatican's Fides agency said, with Nigeria and Mexico topping the list countries where the most brutal murders were carried out.

Christians, Muslims join for Christmas Mass in liberated Mosul

Cries of joy and seasonal hymns once again filled St. Paul Cathedral in Mosul as Christmas Mass was celebrated there for the first time in three and a half years, following the northern Iraqi city's liberation from Islamic State militants.

Pope prays for world’s suffering children on Christmas

Those who recognize the Lord in the baby Jesus in the manger also should recognize his presence in children suffering today because of war, poverty and immigration, Pope Francis said.

Christmas proclaims hope, charity where fear reigns, pope says

Christmas calls believers to see God's presence where he is often perceived as absent, especially in the "unwelcomed visitor, often unrecognizable, who walks through our cities and our neighborhoods, who travels on our buses and knocks on our doors," Pope Francis said.

Catholic leaders urge U.S. extend protected status for Salvadorans

Terminating TPS for Salvadorans "now would be inhumane and untenable," because of current conditions in their home country, Catholic leaders said in a letter to Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen of Homeland Security.

Since 2002, U.S. church has had strict protocols in place to address abuse

The passing of the cardinal in Rome has put the spotlight once again on Boston as the epicenter of a clergy sex abuse scandal that has affected the whole U.S. church.

Gingrich formally begins service as U.S. ambassador to Holy See

Callista L. Gingrich presented her letters of credential to Pope Francis, formally assuming her duties as U.S. ambassador to the Holy See.

Pope, Turkey’s president discuss status of Jerusalem

In a phone call, Pope Francis and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reportedly expressed satisfaction with the U.N. resolution Dec. 21 calling on the United States to rescind its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.