
People of faith join in public prayers on National Day of Prayer

Rose Tree Park in Media, Delaware County hosted the 71st annual prayer event May 5, in person for the first time in two years. Some 200 people worshiped God and prayed for many needs.

Kinship care, adoption keeps kids in the family

Catholic Social Services is aiding hundreds of children and youth in need by helping relatives provide stable, loving -- and forever -- homes for them.

Senior prelate thinks church is growing secretly in North Korea

A South Korean archbishop, 97, believes the Catholic Church in communist North Korea -- where he studied to be a priest before the communist takeover -- is growing, although Catholics live in hiding and endure persecution.

Chaos, curfew after arrests in mob murder of student accused of blasphemy

Catholic churches in a major Nigerian city suspended Masses May 15, as authorities sought to quell violent protests sparked by stoning death of a young woman and the detention of two suspects.

Biden administration defends giving migrant children baby formula

A White House spokesperson pointed to a 1997 law that requires the government to provide water, food as appropriate and other standards of care to immigrant children in government custody.

Ukrainians ‘have made the Bible come alive’ for world, says archbishop

In resisting the Russian invasion, Ukrainians demonstrate how "no one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends," Archbishop Borys Gudziak told Notre Dame University graduates.

Hunger doesn’t take a vacation, and neither does archdiocesan relief agency

Nutritional Development Services has kicked off its annual Manna Sunday drive to restock food pantries before the summer slump, since clients know "they can count on us," say administrators.

Catholic leaders condemn racist shooting in Buffalo

U.S. Catholic bishops expressed sorrow and called out racism and gun violence after the May 14 mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead -- a crime authorities say was motivated by hatred for Black people.

Agency hosts session on foster care for unaccompanied minors

Catholic Social Services is seeking caring individuals and families to host immigrant children and youth for short stays, with more information available at a May 18 presentation.

Humanitarian aid from archdiocese up 86% in 2021

More than 639,000 area individuals, from kids to seniors, were helped by a wide range of support from Catholic Human Services, according the agency's newly released annual report.