
Support grows for school choice in Chicago

Donations for tax-credit aid to the Archdiocese of Chicago's Catholic schools are up about 20% this year. Illinois taxpayers may take 75% of their donation to a scholarship organization as a deduction on their state tax bill.

New Zealand church reports 1,680 abuse cases since 1950

Of the allegations made by 1,122 individuals against Catholic clergy, religious and laypeople from 1950 to the present, with 592 alleged abusers named," 75% were before 1990, the country's Catholic bishops said in a new report.

Pay no attention to conspiracy-theory archbishop, Italian security told

The head of Italy's military archdiocese urged members of the armed forces and police to ignore a call from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in hiding since 2018, to disobey orders to enforce measures aimed at stemming the spread of COVID-19.

Catholic health group supports federal health care expansion plan

Catholic Health Association officials said the organization supports provisions in the President Joe Biden's Build Back Better Act that would expand health care access and affordability, and reduce disparities.

After man disrupts audience, pope leads a Hail Mary for him

Concluding his talks about St. Joseph, Pope Francis recited a prayer but a man in the back of the hall began shouting about wearing masks. He was led out, but the pope asked all to pray for "our brother who is suffering, poor man."

Native Americans’ economic status like rigged Monopoly game, experts say

American Indians face a game where all the properties are taken, and they have little money to play because three out of eight Native peoples live below the poverty line, said participants at the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering.

Decline and change in archdiocese focus of talk

In her Feb. 20 lecture, Princeton University researcher Madeline Gambino will discuss how parish and school closures shape the institutional presence and demographic composition of the 21st century church. 

German Synodal Assembly delegates face pressure to produce change

Sexual abuse has cast a long shadow over the German Catholic Church and now it is overshadowing the third Synodal Assembly, whose 230 lay and religious delegates are being called to deliver immediate and tangible results, "the first deeds of reform."

Shipment of ‘solidarity’ from local Catholics reaches Haiti

Donations of medical supplies, food and religious goods collected by Catholics of the archdiocese are now helping the island's residents rebuild after a devastating August 2021 earthquake and ongoing political turmoil.

Evil, sin and conscience focus of upcoming talks

Norbertine Father Joseph Serano will explore the themes on three Thursday evenings in February at Daylesford Abbey in Paoli, with ample time for questions, comments and discussion.