
Pro-life advocates ‘rise up and stand’ for unborn, women

The Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia hosted a Jan. 22 gathering to protest abortion as "a lie labeled as health care," while calling for greater funding and resources to help to mothers in crisis pregnancies.

Standings for Catholic League basketball, bowling teams

See the progress so far this season for girls' and boys' teams in the league, through Jan. 27.

Pope to meet university students as part of synodal process

Highlighting a church that truly listens, Pope Francis will participate in a virtual meeting hosted Feb. 24 by Loyola University in Chicago with college students from North, Central and South America.

St. Norbert’s ministry offers people’s prayers in adoration

The prayer team at the parish in Paoli prays for parishioners' intentions during eucharistic holy hour following reinstated all-day adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday.

Youth of St. Eleanor Parish running food drive Feb. 5-6

The youth ministry program at the Montgomery County parish will collect food items next weekend to benefit four local food pantries serving those in need.

Remembering Holocaust ‘a moral act with present purpose,’ say local experts

As the world commemorates the victims of Nazi genocide, scholars at Saint Joseph's University say the act of recalling history’s horrors “needs to be more than cognition.”

Pope: People must never forget or repeat horrors of Holocaust

As the world marks the 1945 liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp, Pope Francis urged an ongoing awareness of "this black page in history."

Ukraine deserves peace, Pope Francis says

On the day Pope Francis set as a day of prayer for peace in Ukraine Jan. 26, he hoped the prayers would "touch the minds and hearts of world leaders" and ease the threat that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict would spread.

All urged to pray, work for ‘a post-Roe America’ that cherishes human life

If the decision legalizing abortion is overturned, the U.S. may recognize the family "as the true foundation of a just and prosperous society," said Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez, echoing prelates across the country.

God offers people help in life’s fears and difficulties, pope says

Pope Francis said his thoughts were with all those who "are crushed by the weight of life and can no longer hope or pray," especially parents accompanying their children through life, and urged them to turn in prayer to God.