
Faith leaders, senators say U.S. must not ‘pause’ refugee resettlement

A coalition of religious leaders joined three U.S. senators on Capitol Hill Dec. 8 to say "enough is enough" to those who want to bar Muslim refugees from Syria and other Middle East trouble spots from the U.S. after terrorist attacks in Paris and Southern California.

Philadelphia representative reflects on ‘Gaudium et spes’ conference

Bethany Welch shares her experience of attending a conference in Rome to commemorate the 50th anniversary of "Gaudium et spes" ("Joy and Hope").

Muslim leaders say ‘no justification’ for terror exists in true Islam

"There is nothing in our faith that would require or allow someone to take 14 innocent lives," said Mohammad Abdul Aleem.

Advent season opens with live manger scene at Blessed Trinity Regional Catholic School

Blessed Trinity Regional Catholic School in Northeast Philadelphia opened the Advent season with a live Nativity scene, complete with a llama, goat and sheep, as well as the Holy Family, shepherds, angels and kings.

Students learn about Year of Mercy and focus on opportunities to be more merciful

Students from St. Ignatius School in Yardley are looking forward to demonstrating mercy toward others during the Year of Mercy which began Dec. 8.

Report: Sisters’ numbers shrinking but growing more diverse

New report on women's religious orders reveals a growing level of diversity with more foreign-born women joining religious communities in the United States.

Pope Francis: Holy Year serves as reminder to put mercy before judgment

On the feast of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door at St. Peter's Basilica to inaugurate the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

St. Gertrude Church in West Conshohocken will close Jan. 1

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced that St. Gertrude Church in West Conshohocken will no longer serve as a worship site for St. Matthew Parish and will close as a Roman Catholic Church.

Statement issued on incident at Al Aqsa Islamic Society and School

The Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia and the Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia (RLC) issued a joint statement Dec. 8 in support of the Al Aqsa Islamic Society and School.

The relevance of ‘Gaudium et spes’ continues 50 years later

The Pastoral Constitution "Gaudium et spes" (The Joy and the Hopes), ratified during the Second Vatican Council 50 years ago, continues to be a source of guidance and inspiration for the Church today.