
Catholic school students using 3D printer

Sixth, seventh and eighth grade students in art, math and science at St. Thomas the Apostle School, Glen Mills, are using the latest technology to study scale and measurement with a three-dimensional printer.

Pope thanks pro-life movement for following example of good Samaritan

"For Christ's disciples, helping wounded human life means to encounter people who are in need, to stand by their side, take care of their frailty and their pain, so that they can recover," the pope said Nov. 6.

Sounds as good as it looks: Choral concerts showcase cathedral’s acoustics

Philadelphia's Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul provides unparalleled purity of sound. It will be maximized in a series of concerts with world-renowned choirs beginning this Saturday night with a group providing a 16th century form of surround sound.

St. Teresa of Avila ‘shows the way of radical love,’ says Carmelite nun

On a recent Saturday, a group of Discalced Carmelite nuns in Terre Haute celebrated the close connection that they have to St. Teresa of Avila, their order's foundress, who was born in Spain 500 years ago.

Catholic officials say court ruling paves way to legalize marijuana

"For the church, this is a serious decision and an incredibly irresponsible decision that follows certain fads, a certain mentality of individual freedom superior to social well-being," said Father Hugo Valdemar Romero.

Catholic-Lutheran document sums up agreements, maps steps to full unity

The "Declaration on the Way" was prepared by a joint task force of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs and the Chicago-based Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Vatican II fathers hand legacy to today’s young adults

Elderly participants in the Second Vatican Council, now in their 80s and 90s, assessed the impact of Gaudium et Spes over a half-century, and encouraged young people to look for ways to bring God's love and justice to the world.

Philadelphian represents U.S. at Vatican

Bethany Welch, director of the Aquinas Center in South Philadelphia, represented the United States in Rome this week to mark the 50th anniversary of Gaudium et Spes, the Vatican II document on the church in the modern world.

As winter nears, Syrian refugees ponder a hopeless future

Syrians living on 50 cents a day in aid and facing their fourth winter in Jordan's desert are considering whether to remain there, risk their lives getting into Europe or travel back to the war zone of Syria. "I don't have any hope for the future," said one refugee.

One year later: Central American minors in U.S. still face challenges

Just because unaccompanied Central American minors are no longer crossing the U.S. border in the vast numbers they were last year doesn't mean their problems are over.