
Text of pope’s Q&A with media on plane to Rome

Pope Francis touched on many issues in his conversation with journalists including his just concluded visit, the sex abuse scandal in the church, migration and the upcoming Synod on the Family.

Homily of Pope Francis at Mass on Ben Franklin Parkway

See the full text of the pope's homily on Sunday, Sept. 27 in Philadelphia, and the closing remarks of Archbishop Charles Chaput at the Mass.

Attendees of World Meeting of Families help break Guinness world record

As cheers filled the air on the final day of the World Meeting of Families Sept. 25, a family from Argentina helped push the number of contributors to paint a mural past 2,263 and into the record books.

Pope departs Philadelphia, leaving renewed church in his wake

The sun set as Pope Francis' plane prepared to leave for Rome Sunday evening. But for Catholics who witnessed his liturgies and heard his words of encouragement, part of his spirit remains.

Catholic League football: Standings and schedules

Follow the high school football action in’s Sports section each week for standings and schedules.

Text of Pope Francis’ remarks at airport departure

The pope thanked benefactors and organizers of the just-concluded World Meeting of Families at a ceremony before boarding his plane to leave for Rome. "May God bless you all. God bless America!" he said.

Pope says he left U.S. praying for, impressed by its people

At the end of his first-ever visit to the United States, the pope told reporters he "was surprised by the warmth of the people" and how they were "so loving. It was beautiful."

Memory and motion: Pope Francis shows Americans who he really is

Pope Francis speaks often about memory and motion, the importance of remembering where you came from and setting off without fear to share the Gospel.

By train, cramped bus, roundabout routes, pilgrims make it to parkway

Among the pilgrims gathered for Pope Francis' Mass on Benjamin Franklin Parkway Sept. 27 was Nga Bich Tham, who was wearing a traditional hat of her native Vietnam.

Pope Francis makes unscheduled stop at St. Joseph’s University

The pope made the visit on his way en route from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, where he was staying, to downtown Philadelphia for the closing Mass of the World Meeting of Families.