
Help families, recognize goodness, don’t just criticize, cardinal says

A three-week Synod of Bishops to talk in the abstract about Catholic teaching on the family makes no sense to Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna.

Colombian rebels want papal blessing for peace talks in Cuba

Pope Francis' involvement in the Cuba-U.S. standoff helped solve the longest-running diplomatic freeze in the Americas. Now he is being asked to help bring an end to the Western Hemisphere's longest-running armed conflict.

Vatican upholds bishop’s refusal to allow transsexual to be godparent

The church teaches that sponsors must live a life of faith that is in keeping with their function as someone who must "seriously assume" responsibility for the development and safeguarding of the grace given at baptism, he said in the statement that was published on the diocese's web site Sept. 1.

Seminary’s music program rises a notch with top directors

St. Charles Seminary's enrollment is booming along with its music program, thanks to the hiring of two of Philadelphia's most respected musicians. The choir now rehearses in a bigger room.

Papal parade in Washington will go from Ellipse to National Mall

Pope Francis will travel by popemobile through the heart of Washington Sept. 23 to start his two-day visit in the city after he meets with President Barack Obama at the White House.

Strong demand takes all tickets for papal events in city

Within seconds of being posted online 30,000 tickets were snatched up by people wishing to see Pope Francis at events Sept. 26-27 in Philadelphia. Even without them, good views of the pontiff remain.

SEPTA revises subway plan for papal visit, easing way into city

People coming to the papal events in Philadelphia Sept. 26-27 and relying on the city's transit lines to get there received some good news this week. Also, information on tokens for bus travelers emerged.

Marriage is forever: Pope’s reform requires proof union was invalid

While the pope urges that the Church's annulment process be streamlined, and the administration costs waived when possible, he still insists that proof must be offered that the sacrament of marriage was not valid. A debate over the suggested "penitential" process for divorced and remarried Catholics is pending.

Appeals court rules against additional religious groups’ mandate objections

The University of Notre Dame and other Catholic entities in Indiana have lost their attempt to be automatically excluded from federal laws mandating contraceptive coverage in their health care plans. The U.S. 7th Circuit Court has ruled filing for 'accommodation' is not an unnecessary burden.

‘Priesthood is countercultural,’ seminarians told as academic year begins

A New York seminary is blending young men from various backgrounds for the purpose of finding common ground while meeting the challenges they'll face on the journey to ordination.