
Appeals court rules against N.Y. Catholic entities over contraceptives

In a case filed on behalf of Catholic health care organizations in the Archdiocese of New York and the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York, as well as two Catholic high schools, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said what the Department of Health and Human Services calls an accommodation for such entities adequately protects them from participating in something that conflicts with Catholic teaching.

Pope marks Hiroshima anniversary by calling for nuclear weapons ban

Seventy years after the Aug. 6, 1945, bombing of Hiroshima and the bombing of Nagasaki three days later, "this tragic event still gives rise to horror and revulsion," the pope said Aug. 9 after reciting the Angelus with visitors gathered in St. Peter's Square.

A trinity of a different kind on the pope’s U.S. agenda

Expect to hear the pope take on immigration, hunger and the environment when he visits in September, said three policy advisers helping reporters in Washington prepare for the pontiff's upcoming visit.

A year after fatal shooting of black teen, faith shines in Ferguson

Appropriately, the final "Faith in Ferguson" prayer service ended with a procession from Our Lady of Guadalupe Church to its grotto dedicated to the parish namesake, Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Pope designates Sept. 1 as World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

The day of prayer, the pope said, will give individuals and communities an opportunity to implore God's help in protecting creation and an opportunity to ask God's forgiveness "for sins committed against the world in which we live."

Pope talks to youths about discernment, grandparents, Eucharist

Following Jesus and doing the right thing gives believers a sense of peace, but sometimes "it comes wrapped in the cross," Pope Francis told a group of teenagers and young adults.

Philadelphia’s Ukrainian archbishop, a Knights’ fan, closes convention

The Knights of Columbus' annual gathering ended Aug. 6 in Philadelphia with a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Stefan Soroka, who has seen men transformed by their membership.

Knights of Columbus hear of Christian persecution in Middle East

The threat of Christianity's extinction in the region of its birth was a major theme at the Knights' Supreme Convention being held in Philadelphia.

In Japan, U.S. bishop says USCCB will push for nuclear disarmament

"It's important for an American delegation to be here with the Japanese in this moment, because we celebrate the efforts they have made for peace, and we stand in solidarity with them."

French, British bishops urge solution to migrant crisis in channel port

"These men and women crowded together in no man's land around the city of Calais, waiting to cross secretly to England, are not murderers or terrorists. They're often young and have risked everything for months to find a better life far from the conflicts and persecutions of their home-countries," said Bishop Marc Stenger.