
Last Mass at Cardinal Krol Center marks change for special men

More than 250 current and former residents plus family, friends and staff members attended the recent Mass at the archdiocesan home for intellectually disabled men, which will close. They are transitioning into new group cottages.

In message to Iraqi refugees, pope condemns world’s silence

One year after Islamic State militants drove out thousands of Iraqi Christians and Yezidis, Pope Francis prayed "the international community would not stand by mute and unresponsive."

In Milwaukee, ‘our focus is on mission,’ archbishop says

The clergy abuse crisis in the Milwaukee Archdiocese "has made us strong in many areas, and has helped us come to grips with our responsibilities" toward the young, said Archbishop Jerome Listecki.

Milwaukee Archdiocese settles with abuse survivors for $21 million

A bankruptcy agreement four years in the making and costing $12 million in legal fees will benefit 330 survivors of sexual abuse in the archdiocese.

Philadelphian led Knights of Columbus in remarkable era

As the Knights meet in the city this week, they might note their 20th century leader James Flaherty, who developed the forerunner of U.S.O. canteens and the G.I. Bill for veterans.

Transit plans during papal visit include road closures

Officials on Wednesday described a plan that included shutting portions of the Schuylkill Expressway to cars and outlining a center city "traffic box" during the Sept. 26-27 weekend. Bus transportation appeared the leading option for travelers.

Knights of Columbus open global convention in Philadelphia

Archbishop Chaput celebrated Mass for 2,000 members of the Catholic fraternal organization meeting at the Pa. Convention Center for their 133rd annual gathering, with the theme of family.

Divorced and remarried are not excommunicated, pope says at audience

At his last audience, June 24, he talked about the damage caused especially to children when couples fight and hurt each other. "Today," he said, "I want to draw our attention to another reality: how to care for those who, after the irreversible failure of the matrimonial bond, have undertaken a new union."

Notre Dame grad designs sanctuary for papal Mass

James Lenahan won a nationwide design contest to create the stage for the Festival of Families and the site for Pope Francis' Mass to end his visit to Philadelphia and the U.S. Sept. 26-27.

Missionaries of Charity care for the dying in Nepal’s holiest temple

The sisters are joined in their work to feed and bathe the dying elderly in Kathmandu by local volunteers, including Hindus. The sisters "bring joy here and inspire many."