
Pope to America: Don’t take this the wrong way, but…

The U.S. ambassador to the Holy See believes Pope Francis is not traveling to the United States in September to scold anyone, but to challenge Americans to live up to their ideals.

Cardinal O’Malley backs bill to defund Planned Parenthood

The head of the U.S. bishops' pro-life committee urged U.S. senators to divert federal money to women's health care providers that do not promote abortion.

Milwaukee parishes meet rising violence by walking and listening

One pastor takes a daily walk through neighborhoods of his city parish. "He's bold because I wouldn't be walking this neighborhood," said one resident. "And I live over here."

Judge sides with L.A. archbishop to protect sisters from ‘bad deal’

A Los Angeles urban developer lost her bid in court to obtain a vacant I.H.M. Sisters' convent. Pop star Katy Perry had proposed an alternate offer.

White House’s new power plant rules welcomed by U.S. bishops

Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami called the plan to limit carbon emissions from coal-fired plants and curb climate change "an important step forward."

After seeing the pope in Paraguay, church official comes home

Kathia Arango, director of the archdiocesan Office for Hispanic Catholics, described the moving trip to her native country last month to witness the visit of Pope Francis.

Videos on fetal tissue prompt call to pro-life awareness

Whether or not undercover videos discussing the illegal sale of fetal body parts will lead to defunding Planned Parenthood or criminal charges, the videos have brought the practice to light.

Ethical issues arise from ‘undercover’ abortion videos

Does exposing alleged wrongdoing connected to abortion -- the taking of life -- trump the act of reporters misrepresenting themselves -- lying -- to obtain sting videos?

Knights of Columbus seek more aid for Middle East’s Christians

The fraternal Catholic organization is launching a televised commercial as part of its fundraising effort, ahead of its international convention in Philadelphia next week.

Local Catholic groups benefit as Catholic Foundation grows

In only its second full year, the independent Catholic development organization for Greater Philadelphia is distributing grants as its donors intend: to local ministries in need.