
St. Agatha-St. James’ new mosaic reflects its multicultural faithful

In a city that is famous for its colorful murals, a new mosaic, “That All May Be One” was blessed at the West Philadelphia parish and Penn-Drexel Newman Center. It faithfully captures the spirit of multicultural community.

Closing assembly, Latin American church leaders call for synodal church

Nearly 1,000 church leaders -- lay and religious -- from Latin America and the Caribbean called for a more inclusive church, one that pays attention to people's realities and takes the Gospel to the peripheries of society.

Church not as committed to economic pastoral 35 years later, say panelists

Poverty, unemployment and the experience of the Black community and immigrants "are still with us today," but "domestic workers, farmworkers, child care aides" are not part of the discussion on the economy addressed in 1986's "Economic Justice for All."

Pope assures migrants they are in his prayers and his heart

Pope Francis asked visitors in St. Peter's Square to join him for a moment of silent prayer for migrants, especially those who recently drowned in the English Channel and in the Mediterranean and those who are freezing on the border of Belarus and Poland.

Atlanta Archbishop: Arbery verdict advances justice

Archbishop Gregory Hartmayer said the Nov. 24 verdict convicting three white men for the 2020 murder of Ahmaud Arbery "does not bring him back" or eradicate systemic racism, "but it does advance the work toward justice."

Pope: Discrimination against people with disabilities must end

Although church teaching is clear, too many people with disabilities lack spiritual care, which is "the worst form of discrimination" in a culture that "finds it hard to appreciate the inestimable value of each person," Pope Francis said.

Change bad habits, protect the earth, pope says in new book

In his preface to the "Laudato Si' Reader," Pope Francis said the multiple environmental, health and economic crises the world faces are calling out "for us to change gear ... to dream big, to rethink our priorities."

Hanukkah celebrates religious freedom, hope, say local Jewish-Catholic relations experts

The eight-day Jewish festival, observed Nov. 28-Dec. 6 this year, “reminds us of the imperative to make room in our hearts for those who are different from us," say two professors at St. Joseph's University.

One-of-a-kind program at archdiocesan school transforms kids’ vision

At St. Lucy School in Philadelphia, children with cortical visual impairment (CVI) are receiving the region's only full-time CVI instruction, thanks to a grant from the Ambassador's Fund for Catholic Education.

HHS rescinds rule protecting faith-based foster care agencies

The Trump administration rule could "allow discrimination" against "LGBTQ+ persons in taxpayer-funded programs" for foster care and adoption, said the head of HHS in rescinding the rule.