
Synodal process looks to hear from voices on the margins of the church

In a process launching Oct. 17 in parishes and dioceses worldwide, Pope Francis is calling the church to practice synodality, that is listening to -- and hearing -- one another in all facets of church life over. The two-year process is aimed at "incorporating the fruits of Vatican II."

German Catholic lay groups voice frustration with slow pace of reforms

On the last day of the German bishops' annual meeting, lay Catholics demonstrated and marched to demand "tangible concrete change" and credibility in the Catholic Church after they claim bishops have asked them for years to be patient.

Discontent grows among Biden’s allies over migrant treatment

For months, the Biden administration has been publicly hammering an unwelcoming message to those trying to enter the U.S. illegally: "The border is closed." Instead of the hope immigration reform advocates once expressed, many now voice disappointment.

German cardinal contributed to ‘crisis of trust’ on abuse, will take leave

Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki of Cologne will take a "spiritual sabbatical" after a Vatican investigation found his handling of clerical sex abuse allegations was not illegal, but he made major mistakes, along with other German bishops accused of covering up abuse.

Texas abortion providers ask court to speed up abortion law review

The group of providers asked the Supreme Court essentially to fast-track a decision, using a rare legal procedure, without waiting for the federal appeals court to rule in December on Texas' ban of most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.

Bill to codify Roe called one of most ‘extreme’ abortion bills seen in U.S.

The Women's Health Protection Act, currently moving through various committees in the U.S. Senate and House, "is nothing short of child sacrifice," said Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco, joining other Catholic prelates.

Cranaleith ready to welcome families for fall festival

The Harvest Festival of Cranaleith Spiritual Center in Northeast Philadelphia on Sunday, Oct. 10 features an afternoon of outdoor fun including children’s activities, craft vendors, a flea market, raffle baskets and more.

Festival brings Padre Pio to the people, and the people to God

The sixth annual Padre Pio Festival at St. Bede the Venerable Parish in Holland drew hundreds of all ages for two days of Mass, confessions, eucharistic adoration, family fun and "many, many blessings."

AbbeyFest draws hundreds for music, fun and ‘hearts open to Jesus’

Headline acts, a Hollywood actor, a "rock star" archbishop and family-friendly activities made for a "cool Catholic" gathering at Daylesford Abbey Sept. 19 -- but the spirit of celebrating God remains the same, said organizers.

In run for Pa. governor, Guy Ciarrocchi sees link of religion and politics

Once an advocate for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia with government leaders, the 56-year-old Republican not only believes there’s an intersection of moral or faith-based perspectives in most public policy debates, he’s made a career of driving right through it.