
U.N. nuncio praises nations for recognizing rights of indigenous peoples

The Vatican's nuncio to the United Nations called it welcome news that several nations around the world "have taken active steps to recognize the right to autonomy or self-government of indigenous peoples."

Lay Dominican Come and See

The Lay Dominicans of St. Catherine of Siena Chapter invite you to come and see what we are all about. Sunday, October 27, 10 am, Morning Prayer and Rosary in the lower chapel of St. Patrick's.

Vigil of All Saints Holy Hour at St Patrick’s in Rittenhouse Square

Join St. Patrick's Community on Halloween night for an evening Holy Hour with readings from the saints, musical meditations by St. Patrick's choir, and a preached reflection offered by the Sisters of Life.

Mass in honor of St. Margaret Mary

Opening of the Jubilee Year of the 100th anniversary of the canonization of St. Margaret Mary.

Mercy Career and Technical High School Fall Open House

Visit classrooms, meet faculty, mingle with students and learn why they are so proud to graduate with a high school diploma and a state license or industry certification.

Regina Coeli Academy Quizzo Night

Gather your table/team members. Choose a theme for your table, bring decorations and dress to match.

Syriac Catholic patriarch pleads for peace in northeastern Syria

The patriarch of the Syriac Catholic Church pleaded for "immediate and lasting peace in northeastern Syria and the preservation of innocent lives, especially for Christians, who are the original and founding component of Syria."

Ecuador’s president rolls back austerity measures that triggered protests

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno met with indigenous leaders and agreed to roll back austerity measures that had sparked 10 days of protests.

Experts offer advice to help people confront anxiety over gun violence

More than half of American adults consider mass shootings a latent threat, a Reuters/Ipsos survey in August discovered. Many respondents reported experiencing a sense of insecurity with increased levels of anxiety.

Vatican security chief resigns following leak of internal document

UPDATED - Domenico Giani's resignation comes two weeks after L'Espresso published what it said was an internal Vatican police notice about a raid Oct. 1 on offices in the Secretariat of State and the Vatican Financial Intelligence Authority.